Whats is like living in Matar Qadeen...

By Aquarius28 •
Good Evening everyone I'll be moving soon. I was just wondering what is a Matar Qadeem area like? Would I have easy access to amenities?
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Thanks Mohamed
In this case I suppose the place you chosen is fine.
(This is my personal opinion only)
Muad I'm not worried just in need of info
Ok so no kids, will be working at the Airport.
Hi Aquarius,
Please kindly advise whereabouts your work place and do you have kids schooling.
The forum may guide you further in the event of providing those information.
Doha is lovely and small .. Why you are so worried .. Come and join us and enjoy my pal
Transportation is same as most of Doha .. There is limited public transport .. Good roads .. Lots of taxis
Thank guys so much. How about the Transportation easy to access?
Wakrah is a village - The only positive is the beach and Rizks' Emporium
Matar Qadeem is a nicer area ...It has all the amenities , so you should be OK
Great to know about Wakrah. Any more more info about old Airport, Matar Qadeen area please?
Aqua, Here in Wakrah no body hates others, no body is jealous of others, no body will ever shown his foolies to the max blantant levels ........... Prices are better than the inner city too .......
Aqua, It's new kind of back biting .......... ......
Angelo: You are a wise man and I am happy to know you are aware of some of the nonsense that QL witnesses post after post, day after day..
Thanks for the advice. Will follow.
Dear Acchabaccha, seeing your post compelled me to respond, nice to see you back, ignore or turn a blind eye to the pranks of the few, it just gives them fuel to tickle you. Keep giving sound advise, please.
Wakra has many other advantages over other parts of the city. It has not one but two soothsayers residing there who predict all issues relating to your life gets solved within "three days." How far their prophesies come true is any ones guess. It also has a place near a bakery where you could find almost everything in this world. No one has so far been able to provide the exact location of that bakery. Then, comes the Wakra beach which is the only place in Qatar visited by swans as per one resident of that area who took some pictures and posted it on QL. The authorities in Qatar and even Google are yet to know about it!
So, as you can realize, the place has so many additional benefits. I do not reside in Wakra but came to learn of the above through several posts at QL.
So accommodation really pricey?
Don't forget all decent people stay in Wakrah ........ it's a kind of bliss ..............
Wakrah has everything .. Beach , shops , new hospital , restaurants and less traffic .. Joys
Wow thanks guys really appreciate the feedback. Is Wakrah becoming a popular area?
Many people are moving to Wakrah
It is a wide area, we have Family Food Centre at one end, Shoprite, Lulu and a whole street of resto, barber shops, fastfoods, bakery, bank etc, wonderful area