Islam is a religion of Nature
Muslim faith is examplary, as it allows you to do every thing, that nature asks you to do, that is why it is called a religion of nature. But It puts certain amount of limit on every thing (Sharia) for the benefit of its believers.
What do you know about Islam? and do you want to know more? Do you have any confusion that needs clarification?
By not following a uniform curriculum on Islam, the Muslim preachers have several diverse eyes to see the teachings of Islam, which is why, radicals tend to destroy themselves and others.
On top of it, none bothered to put up "Peace" ideology of Islam to the Muslim children.
This is the time to put forth the "Peace" initiatives of Islam to the younger generation via school curriculum.
//there's nothing called as orthodox muslim, radical muslim etc etc.. A muslim is a muslim//
Then you dont the difference between terrorist Al-Baghdadi and Indian scientist Aldul kalam or Abdul Sattar Edhi of Pakistan and Hafiz Sayed of LeT.
Religion is a very personal thing. It is between you and your Lord or whatever higher being you believe in. Preaching to others - especially in public forums serves no real purpose.
I'd say the higher the level of education the higher the level of understanding, the less restrictive and authoritarian one will be!
WT. I was just saying what orthodox muslims believe. My belief is that we are born innocent and it is our family and society which gives us a religion.
Nature understands the nature of human beings, which is why it knows which shall be harmful to them, and what quantity can benefit them all. That is why, Islam has put Limit (Shariah) on every thing ONLY for the benefit of communities on a large scale.
While limits are in place, yet exceptions for one off scenarios, too are permissible under the Shariah. For example:
A traveler is allowed to offer a short version of prayer, a patient is allowed to avoid fasting, a non affording person is exempted from the pilgrimage and zakat is applicable on only the people having surplus.
Hello, coffee table is set up for all of you.
So, let us all make an attempt to write the positive comments here.
On a serious not, Mufti, it is advisable to avoid discussions about s.e.x. because the comments will be deleted.
And, according to your theory, I should be dead, because I was baptized at the age of 3 months. So, in your logic I left Islam and became Christian. That, as far as I know, carries the death penalty.
Mufti, he was "preacher for Christianity". He converted to Islam. And, no, my children were NOT born as Muslims, they were born as human beings.
On a serious note it is always advisable to avoid religious discussion on a public forum. Some arguments may be quite offending. Avoid it unless you are ready to face tuf and nasty questions.
WT. Don't you know, as per Islamists everyone is born muslim ;-)
He did not "revert", he "converted". If you 'revert' you go back to what you've been before.
Yousef Estes, used to be a devote preacher for Christianity, who reverted to Islam and now an international preacher.
His revert story is worth reading.
There is no use of force here. You would too like to interaction with positive people, and would like to avoid negatives, who are unpleasant and spoil your day with their venomous comments. On top of it, the half glass full approach is always self rewarding.
Why do you want to force people to post "only positive points"?
Brit, thank you for you guidance, in view of it, all are requested to comment only with positive points.
Posts about religion usually lead to verbal abuse and arguments