Change of sponsor .. How many days it will take to transfer???
By alikaseri1 •
Hello i have some doubts,
1. How much days it will take for change of sponsor after submitting to the immigration office ??
2. Because of the new laws My old sponsor has gaven a time frame of 3 days. He said that if after submitting to the immigration office and after 3 days if the transfer is still in progress or not yet transfered , he will cancel the visa. So is it possible that he can cancel my RP when its under processing ????
Thanks a lot.
2,3 days
QP has taken the right step ......... although it may upset some of us .....................
You really do need to take the hint...
from QP they removed staff nearly 1500 but cid didnt allow them to change sponsor even they will not inform you that why they are not giving you to change
from QP they removed staff nearly 1500 but cid didnt allow them to change sponsor even they will not inform you that why they are not giving you to change
from QP they removed staff nearly 1500 but cid didnt allow them to change sponsor even they will not inform you that why they are not giving you to change
Angel, Correct , our sponsor will not like to interfere in the official works ..... ............ respect the procedure & fair deal ..........
it up to cid section to give or not
it up to cid section to give or not
it up to cid section to give or not
WT, We must give respect to our guardian as his / her status demands ............. Ali will still need his favours as long as he is here ........ Ali needs to think for the long term benefits of having a good relationship with his ex-sponsor ...............
You need to keep your fingers crossed for the 3 days as suggested by my cousin Muad ............
Ali, When a gentleman gives you word , trust it from your heart , if you have negative thoughts then it will affect the outcome , so have a positive view of your guardian { sponsor } he has your interest at his heart as in the past .......... Water comes from higher side to the lower grounds .............
Thanks guy.. but still one doubt that if the transfer is in process then can the old sponsor have the authority to cancel the visa ????
Because the thing is he has gaven 2 3 days of time..
And why is your sponsor so rude. He is supposed to be your father and friend, according to MickeyMouse.
The sponsor is an idiot. Maybe (!) in December the new law will be implemented.
What new laws .. Haven't heard of any regarding time frames for transfer ..
Give it three days my pal .. Joys