Karwa Poor service

Hi everyone,
This is something I have experienced with Karwa.
Not sure if any of you have encountered any of the below problems.
I am a frequent user of the Karwa Andriod App. I use it every single day to make bookings to office and back home. These are some problems that I have encountered.
1. The App assigns a taxi, which is very far away from my destination. I make a booking 15-20minutes ahead of time, as I know the taxi takes at least 15-20 minutes to reach the destination. But because the App assigns a taxi, which is 15-20 minutes far away from my destination, I end up getting late to work. This compels me to cancel a booking if it assigns me a taxi that is very far away from my destination.
- 2. The drivers don’t comply with the assigned booking. The App allows tracking the taxi through GPS. But multiple times the driver don’t show up, and the GPS shows that the taxi is heading a totally different direction than to where I am. When called the customer service, they tell me that after I receive the booking confirmation, I must call the driver to find out where he is. So I do this as a practice, and even then the driver tells me that he cannot come to my pick me up because there is too much traffic. Therefore, it compels me to make another booking through the App. By this time I am already late to work.
- 3. Unresponsive customer service. When I encounter 1 and 2 above, I try calling the customer service to no avail. That phone keeps ringing but no one ever picks it up.
- 4. The App cancels my bookings on its own. This happened to me several times. I make a booking, get a confirmation message and after a while I realize the booking has got cancelled for no reason. Then I contact the impossible-customer service and they tell me they don’t know the reason and maybe the driver cancelled my booking. On top of being already late, now I have to wait another 20 minutes for a taxi to arrive.
- 5. The App gives conflicting messages. When the driver not show up, still the App annoyingly records that I completed the journey and asks for a rating and feedback, while I am still stuck at the pick up location waiting for a re-assigned taxi.
- 6. “We are fully booked” message. Recently I have not been able to make any bookings on the Karwa App. So I contacted the customer service. They tell me a lot of customers are having this issue and have been complaining and that they are fixing the problem.
- After 2 days, things get back to normal. I make a booking but as usual, after a while the booking gets cancelled. I was tracking the driver and he was very close to the pick up location. Then I called the impossible-customer service. They tell me, maybe the driver cancelled it and assigns another driver.
- I was tracking driver no.2 as well and I realized as usual he was going off course. Then I called the driver and he tells me he is nearing the pick up location. The GPS shows me that he is going round and round in circles and not really heading to pick me up. I called him again and asked him where he was and how long would it take to reach me. He says he cannot tell where he was because he is new.
- Now I cannot tell him how to get to the pick up location as he doesn’t know the roads. By this time I am a good 40 minutes late. So I make another booking and I get a driver who is about 3 km away. So I cancelled it. I didn’t call the customer service as all they do is ask the driver where he was, the driver tells them that he is “near”, and they tell me that he is “near”. Do I need a customer service to know this? They don’t give any assistance to the driver in finding the location. They think their job is merely coordinating the calls.
Next day I tried to make a booking and I get this same message that “we are fully booked”. So I call the impossible-customer service again to find out what is going on. What they told me shocked me. They said that I have been blocked. I asked why. They said because I have made too many cancellations. I was furious. I explained points 1-6 listed here but all the customer service guy did was argue with me without any consideration for what I was saying. He said I cannot cancel any bookings immediately and if I am doing so, I must wait at least for 15-30 minutes before cancelling any bookings.
Bottom line is, the Karwa App is having so many issues, they need to do a lot to improve their customer service, merely coordinating calls is not the task of a customer service rep. if that was the case I am sure they can build an App to do that as well. There is no need for a human to do that task. They must understand that customers are not getting a free ride, they are paying for the bookings and the trip. How dare they block the customer without fixing their own issues.
Qatar needs to copy the UAE ... The drivers are forced to take fares and any complaint leads to fines and penalties .... Customer service at its best ..
Leave all the headache one side, Get a two way lift from a kind heart junior staff ............. there is always a person who likes to give lifts ..... picks & drops you at home daily .......