kids gouge out man’s artificial eye

Three teenagers gouged the artificial eye of an Asian worker after they stoned him for fun, a newspaper reported on Monday.
The worker was walking near his living quarters in the Northern town of Tabuk when the three boys started throwing stones at him.
“They caused his artificial eye to fall off. Doctors tried to restore it but it was contaminated after it fell on the ground,” Sada daily said, adding that the three boys were later arrested by the police.
Man’s inhumanity to man.. Let’s hope the teenagers are severely punished and he is helped to recover fully ..
Rehabilitation center!
I think their parents need trashing first!
They don't need counselling , they need a good thrashing
Teens are not matured enough, but we cant leave them because they might be more dangerous in future.
they need to be counselled, they should understand the pain that the poor labour had gone through. make them pay for entire treatment to the poor man and ask them to serve the poor man at hospital to understand how the poor guy is suffering
Teens are not matured enough, but we cant leave them because they might be more dangerous in future.
they need to be counselled, they should understand the pain that the poor labour had gone through. make them pay for entire treatment to the poor man and ask them to serve them at hospital to understand how the poor guy is suffering.
Parents been recalled as Angels for kids...specially Mothers...,but those days are gone by...i strongly believe parents are more culprit than kids, coz half of the education they learn from their parents, other half from friends and rest from society & Social Networks ....none like to born evil minded but being molded as we grow older, in short if those teenagers are capable of producing babies their bums needs to be slapped with hard brushes and then spread some chilly powder over it, if they are so young then their parents needs hard brushes on above mentioned space(s)...lolz
Make an example out of these brats, so that others learn and refrain from hurting others.
acchaccha: This type of behaviour cannot and must not be condoned - anywhere.. We are all human and deserve respect..
In this case what is worse is that an individual was abused - probably because of his ethnicity and background - and also then physically assaulted...
Well done to the authorities for arrestinng teh criminals - Let us hope that they are dealt with harshly.
Hospitality has been part of the Arab culture throughout the centuries. Everybody had to be given food and shelter. - For three days. - You simply stayed too long in Riyadh!
Wunae: Its not just in Tabuk. It is the same in almost all cities of S Arabia. While driving with my wife beside me, I was forced to stop as several Saudi school children were sitting across the road. The group then stood up, approached my car, some of them stood in front, some kicked the doors, and the others spat on the glass of all doors. The car behind me had two Saudis in it. They watched everything silently possibly enjoying the insults a foreign worker was taking. When things went beyond control, I gathered my courage and got down, faked punches at some of them forcing them to flee, went over to the car with the two Saudis and asked them if what taking place was part of their culture. It was then the Saudis got off the car and took matters in their hands. This was in Riyadh. But as per the "philosophy" of MM, "we must forgive them .......... by punishment, you will spoil the three pure souls." I have not forgotten the incident, let alone forgive the rascals. What would they grow up to be like? Better rascals with no respect or dignity for expat workers, that's all.
Yes I only want to visit this site when that ... has logged off. He ruins it and makes it unbearable.
Wunae: Needs must ...... They suffer for a living ...
It seems that the best time to have seious discussions is after 14:00 each day :O(
I can't imagine how these Asians live in Tabuk with such horrible kids. Simply disgusting.
The sun is setting down, you may Leave.....:)
Hope the man recovers with each passing moment & boys should present their apology before sun sets down .............
I think tats the best option, the sooner we accept this the better we live in
I think the only way is to ignore MM. Do not reply to him. Just leave him alone with Prize, Humbles, AmAm, and RiyalforRupee.
I can only ask - WT ! :(
Rizks, you're asking for the impossible!
Indeed MM, talk practicable and possible- FOR GOD SAKE ! :(
Rizk, Just talk what is practicable & possible my pal ......
"may be they are doing it as if it was a rubber ball they are dealing with".......WHATTTTTTT ?
Can someone kill me NOWWWWWWWW
If you are sitting in a restaurant and having Masala Dosa with Fish Curry and a 19Yrs old kid pops up from back of your seat and pour Hot Karak Chai on your head....will you give tat kid a tight kiss on his chubby cheeks ? :)
MH, If you can read the boys' minds you will really think about giving them one last chance .............. boys just copy their leader without thinking about the outcome ... ...... as a new humans how would they know how hard a stone will hit to other person , may be they are doing it as if it was a rubber ball they are dealing with ......
MM while going to your home today, if 4 kids come to you and give you a tight SLAP left and right....will you turn back to them and give a toothless Smile ?
He can if he wished so, or let Accha come & describe in detail ...........
MM, people learn from their mistakes, but this is hardly a "mistake". This was intentional and the teens need to be punished. If not, then they will continue down this road as adults. Too many times we see people with no regard for others and it needs to stop. Qatar is a wonderful, blessed country but if we start ignoring or minimizing crimes of its citizens it will go downhill very, very quickly.
I hope britey understood what you have just scribbled up there....:(
Brit, It was not a London incident , at Tabuk all residents / people know each other very well , these boys might be calling him Chacha or Baba { Uncle or Grand father } where at the globe would you get such a respectful position from any boy who comes from the front ? .....
Here the man must be having more focus on how to get well fast than any thing else.
And very those boys might be offering him warm milk / dates / honey etc .........
if a man is already dead, how on the earth will he recover much faster ? :(
MM: I am amazed but not surprised by your logic ... Suppor the criminal and forget the victim
Rizk, Experience is a great teacher, you have to monitor the each incident , then decide on the action to prevent it .......... each incident should be treated as per their individual circumstances ............ you will definitely spoil the boys lives , they won't be able to study, they will be away from their mom / papa ...... the family bond will break ....... where as the man will recover much faster .........
It doesn't make any difference, if you are sad coz of some silly
Brit, Thanks for the appreciations .......
"three boys started throwing stones on the worker"...and this act was unintentional as per your - right ? :(
What if we leave these three musketeers without punishing them and they start shooting people on road ?
Will we still sit back and think, ok forgive them they have only killed few civilians...we should think abt the future of these 3 kids ? :(
Rizk, You tell me what will be good for tomorrow ?
We have one man who is injured , he will recover in due time, our wishes are with him. But if you punish 3 boys we will loose 3 other future gents from the society , with this three other families would suffer , isn't it ?
If you forgive we loose half man,
If you punish we loose 3.5 men ..........
Now you choose , think we are one big family, all humans are from one head , plus we gain nothing with the punishing of 3 mistake makers ........ if they knew it is so dangerous they would not have done it ........ there mind was clear ......... it happened without intention ...........
You're a better man than I ......
ok thanks for that MM.
If these teens would have killed tat worker, will your statement remains the same ?
Like, OK - you guyz don't repeat it again and now you are a Free Bird go away...shuuuuu ! :(
Yes, We will forgive , I am so sure, but I may cry doing that .......... I will not return the pain back to anybody , I will seek the Almighty's blessings to give me much strenthg to bear with such tough situations ....... No need to be angry with the innocent ....... it's not the way for kind heart person ..... who understands big picture ..........
MM: Do you actually believe this stuff or just say it to play the devil's advocate ?
Do you seriously believe that "teens behave in similar fashion' - If this happened to you or your relative - woud you forgive them ?
Just one response please
Teens often behave in a similar fashion, we need to forgive them, this way they will feel more & will become good adults ...... atleast we would have 3 wise gentlemen guaranteed when they grow up ......... by punishment you will spoil three pure souls ......
Morons .... Lock them up and make their parents compensate the poor worker