Termination & End of Service

By kenethsantos26 •
Hi There! I just want to ask a Question, I was working for almost 1 years in my company, and I was terminated, my last working day is 11 days before I complete my 1 year service with my company. my Company said that I will not be able to take any benefits from my company as I didn't complete my 1 year service. Please Advise.
Can the Labor/Human Rights Help me regarding this case?
The HR people know of the rules and I guess that is why they did not allow you to complete a year of service. They have "saved" the company some money by taking this step which would go to their credit.
It makes me feel that I was cheated by my company
No. You are not entitled to get gratuity as ur not completed 1 year ... But they should definitely give you return ticket and leave salary...
Sadly this is a game HR play to get out of paying what is due ..
And you should know that this is quite normal in Qatar.
They f.u.c.k.e.d. you!
NO!!! You Are not Eligible for End of service benefit since you did not complete 1 year service.
But I cannot see in the Labor Law that I will receive the annual leave + ticket.
Forget about Gratuity as you will not complete one year service. But you are eligible for leave salary and return ticket. Fight for the right.
I was Employed May 27, 2015. They terminated me April 16, and I served the Notice period for 1 month, and which will be finished on May 16. Before, we agreed that I will get my Annual Air Ticket + 21 days Paid leave + My End of service gratitude and my Last Full salary. but when I ask a while ago. they said that I will get nothing because I didnt Finish 1 year.
If you have a legalized contract, you can lodge a complaint at the Labour Office. They will help you in getting your benefits.
If my Current Salary is 4500 package. how much you think I will get from my company.
Yes. You are entitled to gratuity for the fractions of the year in proportion to the duration of employment.
So will I get my End of service benefits?
Article (54) of Qatar Labour Law 2004
In addition to any sums to which the worker is entitled to upon the expiry of his service, the
employer shall pay the end of service gratuity to the worker who has completed employment of
one year or more. This gratuity shall be agreed upon by the two parties, provided that it is not less
than a three-week wage for every year of employment.
(The worker shall be entitled to gratuity for
the fractions of the year in proportion to the duration of employment.)