Kicked from Job for being pregnant

I got married last year which brought me to Qatar. Being a workoholic back in India, I couldnt wait to work here for that I got interviewed in American Express, soon just before joining I found out that I was pregnant and I was never asked in my interview about pregnancy. So I joined while I was starting my 4th month or 16th week. As I joined, with no intention of keeping it a secret I told my manager that I am pregnant and the country manager already knew that I'm carrying being a friend of my husband, before even I applied there. After working for a month with full potential and no mistakes in my job, I was kicked out at the end of april. My manager said it on my face bcz of my pregnancy they are taking this decision. What should I do? Can I take a legal action regarding this? Or if any company in Qatar would hire me in this condition or not? I just need some advice.
I believed it is not allowed under the qatar law to terminate pregnant employee. Seek legal advice or go to qatar labour dept for your concern.
Thank you so much and You are totally right @blueshift. I really wanted to work while pregnancy becz of the added expenses, now it's too late and I can't be an asset to the company anymore. I just have to suffer for joining this company and just coz of my manager didn't ask in the interview.
Congratulations on your future baby - I'm sure it will bring you much happiness. You are the victim of circumstances which are not your fault as someone in the company may have decided to get rid of you to avoid the expense of giving you maternity leave.
In my opinion, well meaning people have made these rules which actually hurt the people they are trying to help.
Even I don't wish to be a liability on the company and if they would have told me even on the second day of joining I wouldn't have turned down the offer from another company who were ready to hire me knowing that I'm pregnant. I just want if they had a problem they shouldn't have hired me.
This is the unintended consequence of the very generous maternity leave. Nobody wants to employ a pregnant woman because it's expensive.
I know of one company I worked for, we were going to employ a woman then she told us she was pregnant. The country manager said we couln't employ her after he found out.
25 employies terminated from Council of Ministers Qatar
As for getting hired bu another company -
Businesses recruit to garner maximum benefit from the employee. They may feel that in your current situation, they may not get full value, especially since you will have to go for tests and take maternity leave..
There is no harm in trying, but it might be beneficial to wait till after the delivery
Good Luck!
They are not providing me with the termination letter. They gave me resignation letter to sign and when I refused to sign it they said u come next day for this letter since then I just go there and wait but no response from them.
If you were terminated within your probation period, then it may be difficult.
However, I suggest that you ask HR for a formal reason for termination and then contact the labour court or Human Rights Commission