I am interested in getting laser treatment done for hair removal.

By harryrosen797 •
I am interested in getting laser treatment done for hair removal. What all areas can be done through it?
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Didn't realise that you could use laser treatment for the bikini line.... Always went with a Brazilian :O(
Laser hair removal is the best way to remove unwanted hair from areas that are hard to reach or delicate areas like the face, bikini line, underarms, backs and legs and arms. It gives excellent results in hardly any time. http://www.kayaskinclinic.me/content/10-reasons-why-you-need-laser-hair-removal
MM, Ur point is valid from ur point of view.
Rizks: You can still use the laser on other "parts" of your body
Here people want to grow hairs, while others want to remove....SIGH ! :(
WT, Be specific ....... lest we make a mistake .............
Be careful down under... The skin can get easily damaged
The ones where you have hair.