How to resign from my position and get an exit visa.

Hi, I'm western and working in the education sector in Qatar. The company I work for have breached a number of conditions set out in my contract and broken a lot of promises they made when they hired me. My probation has been extended to cover the whole duration of my contract with no warning. So, would like to resign from my post and go home as I think they are only holding on to me for another few weeks before they replace me with on of the bosses friends. ( I accidentally overheard a conversation where someone said that this person was going to be hired and put in my specific position) I'm not sure that my sponsor is aware of what is happening, but I'm also not sure that they would intervene and prevent this from happening. Legally how much notice is required to resign, and will I be able to get an exit visa. Or am I better off just doing a runner during the next holidays we are given as I've heard of the company trying to prevent people from leaving before.
Sorry: Please read "without which you may not be able return to Qatar for a couple of years as per the currents rules."
While the comments that have appeared so far carry much weight, I would just like to add that in the present scenario, I doubt very much your current sponsors would give you NOC without which you may not be able to return to Qatar. Please do keep this in mind.
The holidays are in two weeks, I have already paid for a return flight home as I had every intention of completing my side of the contract. So far as I can tell the plan they have is to keep a number of us until the summer holidays, then fire us so that they don't have to pay us the wages due to us during the summer break. By extending the probation they basically stripped us of our right to a flight home at the end of the year or summer pay if they fired us. However, now that I know they have actually violated Qatari labour law I'm going to make damn sure I get everything I should have gotten and I'm going to go home and find a decent job while it is still the recruiting season for the education sector. Thank you all so much for your informative replies.
Good points WT...
Article 39 The service contract may contain a provision subjecting the worker to a probation period to be agreed on between the two parties provided that the probation period shall not exceed six months.
The worker shall not be subjected to more. than one probation period with the same employer.
The employer may terminate the contract within the probation period if it has been proved to him that the worker is not capable of carrying out the work provided that the employer shall notify the worker thereof before at least three days from the date of termination.
This is the law. Probation CANNOT exceed 6 months. I would advise you to involve a lawyer and, once you are through, name the damn company who breaches contracts. Do us the favor.
Why not wait to get them to sack you.. Then you can leave with all your dues
Sorry for your situation. But if you're sure that you will be replaced in a few weeks, i think you should wait for that so that this company will have to do all the required things to get you back home which is exactly what you want.
If you resign on your own, they may even refuse to give you what you were entitled.
Notice period depends on your Contract. Usually it's note more than one month.
Yes, after serving the notice period, the company will cancel your visa and the exit permit will be issued automatically.
Don't wait for the holidays if it's not anytime soon. Your company is run by Retards. .