Twin blasts rock Brussels Airport and metro, many people reported killed

Two loud explosions have rocked the main airport terminal in Brussels, Belgium, earlier today.
All flights in and out of Brussels Airport were cancelled. All passengers who were supposed to board Qatar Airways flights are safe.
Qatar and Belgium have traditionally enjoyed a very close bond and work together in different sectors. In mid-2014, ASPIRE Academy had purchased Belgian Third Division football club KAS Eupen.
It is understood that all Qatari citizens residing in the European country are safe.
Belgium’s public broadcaster RTBF reported that at least one suicide bomber was behind the explosions at the airport. Police said at least 13 people were killed and dozens injured in the blasts, which witnesses said hit the departure hall at Brussels Airport.
Some witnesses told Sky News the blasts struck near the American Airlines desk in the departures hall. Belgian media reported that gunshots were heard before the explosions.
About an hour after the explosions at the airport, there was a blast at the Maelbeek metro station in central Brussels, very near the US Embassy and European Union headquarters.
Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon raised the nation's terror alert to its maximum level in the wake of explosions at the airport, indicating authorities believed a terrorist attack to be imminent.
Our thoughts and prayers remain with everyone affected. Stay safe, everyone.
Courtesy: cbsnews.com
In a way , they are the victims of being educated by the wrong type of people
In my opinion, it’s all about education. Countries should fund a lot in education. My first priority for a country is education, 02nd priority is education, 03rd priority also Education.
I don’t have a TV in my house since last 4 years and I hope I will not buy in the future as well. The reason for not having a TV is, I want my children to read. So first in place I started to read, since last two years. So my children started to read as well.
I like to follow the good deeds, and I hope my kids will follow. If my kids and family follow, may be some neighbors will fall in line. I hope this need to go a long way. So my advice for my self is to make myself on the correct path. This will give a world a clear path.
Thank you and good night to all. (Above is my personal opinion & not directed to any individual, group, country, region or community)
Herein lies the bottom line .. Syria is not about oil , but geopolitical power and influence
brit: ah so simple and yet so difficult...the oil plus each side wants a piece of the pie which is long term regional influence....game of thrones game of drones...
The solution is quite simple .. No one should intervene in the civil war. All sides should stop funding and supplying the various parties. Don't buy cheap oil from them
WT: wow yes, pretty active militarily then...i just scrolled down to since when they were a full republic - 1950...and even then they've been in a lot of fights....the period before 1950 is all their invaders/occupants/rulers..so can't really say it was india...like the white wine story, so chilled out...
Brit: yes, when i said 'all the purposes of their creators', i implied every single side that supports ISIS...and we know its not just the west...which is also why i said its a dirty dirty dirty game :-)
I like their style .. Perhaps the various parties in Syria could sit down over a Barbican and talk peace
This is how Liechtenstein solves conflicts: "During the 1980s the Swiss army fired off shells during an exercise and mistakenly burned a patch of forest inside Liechtenstein. The incident was said to have been resolved over a case of white wine". [Source: Wikipedia]
Mohdata : I agree with your comments . However I would suggest that the support / finance of rogue elements comes from all sides ... Both within and outside the region
I don't believe Lichtenstein started any wars
mohdata, the list for India is too long to print it here.
Even Qatar isn't so peaceful at all.
(1867–1868) First War of Independence against Al Khalifa family and Abu Dhabi.
(1893) Battle of Wajbah against Ottoman Empire
(1990–1991) Gulf War against Iraq
(2011) Libyan Civil War
(2014–) Intervention against ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Khorasan, Ahrar ash-Sham
(2015–) Intervention in Yemen against Houthi government, Saleh loyalists.
Source: Wikipedia
Lots of wars, mohdata. Write "wars led by India?" in your Google search. You'll find a list on Wikipedia. It seems they have been involved in many wars.
WT: hey, what about India? I'm as bored with history as with politics; but I've had many people tell me that India has never invaded any country; do you have any idea as to how true or false this is?
I tried to find a single country that hasn't started a war. My search has been unsuccessful! It seems that the human kind itself is a big scum.
The number of dead people they have caused in the name of their ideologies speaks for itself.
The absolute scum of mankind has always run the world. There isn't any difference between Hitler, Napoleon, Caesar, or Alexander the Great None of them was benign.
everything else is debatable and of course there's many bad elements within 'our own'; but as a separate topic; and as a detached person with no interest in politics; i find the rise of ISIS an almost unbelievable tale...from 'never heard of them' to controlling and operating oil refineries in huge dictator run countries, it warrants extreme skepticism...someone wants them to exist and regardless of how much I/we want them gone, they'll be around until the propaganda onslaught in the western media has run its course and until their creators' purposes are all fulfilled...its all a dirty dirty game, which we laymen think we understand; but haven't the slightest clue as to the conniving games of deceit that go on in the corridors and lobbies of power...seems like the absolute scum of mankind gets to run the world..
brit, you shouldn't argue with brain-washed people. They are more experienced in telling 'their' truth. They even believe it!
Brit. look for the beneficiary and you'll know who is behind it(and I can assure your Islam/Arabs/and even ISIS aren't benefiting from this). you can call anything conspiracy just to discreet it really.
the reason I believe (I had really long talks with my western co workers about this) in what the western people consider as a "conspiracy" . Is because we live closer to it. I am Syrian and I've never met/seen/heard anyone who joined/knew someone who joined ISIS. this magical groups who overtook (or was handed) heavy weaponry from Iraqi/US military bases and controlled almost all the oil resources in Syria/Iraq, challenged the entire world and let's remember they grouped in 2013. that's only 3 years ago.
Why do we always look for conspiracy theories first.. Rather than admit that there is a rogue element within our own ...
We will probably find that they were living in Belgium or France
it is israel mossad works! it wants to spoil the arab asylum seekers reaching Brussels
This is an atrocity - innocents murdered .. All in the name of .....
Very tragic that this should happen to a nation that seeks only peace and shows mercy to refugees...