Can I reschedule ultrasound appointment?
I went hamad women's hospital for first time. Unfortunately i got my ultrasound appointment firstly at 10 th of April. But my next appointment with doctor is on5th of April. Is it possible to change my ultrasound appointment to 5 th of April? If I cancel my ultrasound appointment on 10th April how can i get reappointment on 5th of April? Help me pls :'(
Consult your Dr. on 5 April as scheduled. They will write you for scanning again and will call you again for your next visit after scanning. If you have some emergency, just report in the emergency department. They will examine you immediately without any appointment.
Don't cancel ur appointment, keep calling them (4439800) every alternate day and request, they will reschedule you based on cancellations. They are very helpful on phone but u need to call regularly. All the best.
Easy - Call the hospital and explain your case
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I think we can help you. Call Hamad Women's Hospital and ask them.