Please help me find my iPhone

I left my iPhone 6 in a taxi last night, i believe Karwa. It has white and pink case. Please help me to find? [email protected]
I left my iPhone 6 in a taxi last night, i believe Karwa. It has white and pink case. Please help me to find? [email protected]
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Karwa taxi with a pink and white case should be easy to locate .. Good luck!
If you mobile is Icloud secured and has data connection On and find my iPhone is enabled then you can trace it out.. if not then the next step.
if you have the Box of ur mobile then simply goto police station and file a complain with ur mobile reg IMEI number..
First of all he needs to know the location of his phone, before deciding next step, Go to Apple Site and login on Icloud, and search for ur Iphone, you will know ur phone exact location
i'll be going to the Karwa taxi office office......
go to apple site and sign to icloud , put your Iphone ID and Password