How exactly does one introduce "minimum business ethics" ?
We are taught, ethics and morals by our parents and the society we live in. If we then opt not to live by these guidelines, then there is not much that can be done.
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"Majority of business men from a particular country" meaning INDIA ??????????????
You've hit the nail on the head... There has to be legal checks and balances in place, including enforcement and punishment in order to succeed.
Majority of business men from a particular country have a firm rule of "Every thing is fair in Business".
In the face of it, there is a need to put up legal and ethical barrier around them, because they hurt the society.
How exactly does one introduce "minimum business ethics" ?
We are taught, ethics and morals by our parents and the society we live in. If we then opt not to live by these guidelines, then there is not much that can be done.
Is there ?