Attestation of saudi employment certificate for MMUP registration

I worked in saudi for about 4 years and had to quit the job while i was on vacation (by email i informed the company about it ). Later i came to qatar. I have with me the "employment certificate" issued by my former employer with stamps of chamber of commerce and mofa(saudi).Can i get the same attested by MOFA (qatar). While MMUP registration, will they consider the experience mentioned in my employment certificate?
The employment certificate states that " this employee, holder of this passport is working as engr in this company from 2008". Currently i am not working in that company and i was out off of kingdom on an exit re-entry visa, will the Saudi embassy will do the attestation ..I am a bit worried , that whether it may affect my stay in Qatar.
Better take attestation from Saudi embassy in Qatar in order to get MOFA attestation from QATAR
Does it require any other stamps( other than saudi MOFA and chamber of commerce) ?
If the Employment Certificate issued is genuine and Verifiable, then Yes they will count it towards your professional experience.