1200 new businesses are set to kick out many existing

Qatar is a very small market for business, and given its small market only last month alone 1200 new commercial registrations have been issued allowing new entrants to do business in an environment where already many are failing, costs are high and profitable deals are a far cry.
Induction of so many new businesses in a such a small market will definitely not be good for many existing businesses, because the new companies tend to grab the business even below the break even level, that a phenomena makes other competitors to suffer and eventually fail.
The ministry of economy needs to make list of sector wise failing companies and put up some remedial measures, which would be a good help to the growth of private sector.
They are reeling because they all want the same business and there are only do many customers
Arcananil, my blog does not entertain negative and hate loving writers.
The big picture depicts a scenario where already thousands of small businesses are reeling under the mountain of expenses. Private sector is vital for the country's future, and therefore the govt. intervention is important to at least see which sectors/businesses are dying for what reasons.
You do a business case before you open a business. If it fails , then it's your own fault , not the government
Rental is playing the vital role in every business, So if the Ministry control the Rent Ceiling may helps more for existing and prospect investors.
Bragging insecure old business man :)
Bragging insecure old business man :)