Lighting Design training

By Syed Kamran •
Hi ... I want to learn Lighting designing.
Can anyone please help me out, Is there any Institute in Qatar / any person who can teach me.
Looking forward for a favorable response.
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Hi syed would like to know if you have learnt dialux and if are working on it. I am looking forward to learn and know the job oppurtunities
That's really great ... Thanks a lot
Can you please PM me your contact details.
That's really great ... Thanks a lot
Can you please PM me your contact details.
I can help you for road lighting design.
you want to learn for road lighting or for buildings?
Nadeem86 ... Thanks a lot for the support. May I know if you can help me further
you can download dialux software & learn from it
Wild Turkey ... Plz check ur comment if there is any typo
I also want to learn loving design training. Is there any person who can teach me?