10 ways to greet in Arabic

If you are new to Qatar or if you are learning Arabic, then here is a quickie of greetings and phrases that could be useful to you in day-to-day life.
1 – Assalamualaikum /Assalam o alaikum / As-salaam 'alaykum – This is the phrase that you must have heard a lot once you’re here. The Islamic greeting literally means, ‘Peace be upon you’. It is a way in itself to greet somebody and is considered as humble, polite and a formal manner of greeting.
2 – Walaikum assalam / Wa 'alaykum salaam – This is the response to the phrase above. It means, ‘And peace be to you too.’
3 – Ahlan – Ahlan means ‘Hello’. This is an informal way of greeting people in Arabic.
4 – Marhaban – Marhaban means ‘Welcome’ which is extracted from the term Rahhaba meaning ‘to welcome’. It also means ‘Hello’ and is used in an informal way. The most common reply to this greeting is Marhaban bik to a male, Marhaban biki to a female or Marhaban bikum to a group.
5 - Sabaah al-khayr – This means ‘Good Morning’.
6 - Sabaah an-noor – This is a common reply to the phrase above, literally meaning ‘Morning of Light’ or ‘Good Morning’.
7 - Masaa' al-khayr – This means ‘Good Evening’.
8 - Masaa' an-noor - This is a common reply to the phrase above, literally meaning ‘Evening of Light’ or ‘Good Evening’.
9 - Ma'a as-salaama – This is a way of expressing farewell. It means ‘Goodbye.’
10 - Ila-liqaa’ – This phrase also expresses farewell but means ‘Until we meet again.’
Are these phrases new to you? What else would you like to add to the list?
Edit: The following links could be useful
Good Night -- Tusbih-ealaa-Khayr
what will be gdnyt?????????????????
Sabah elward..:)
So people hide so many things from us ...... aahhhhhhhh ...............
Very beautiful input by Khan ........... I salute you ................. Khan better take a position in a university I will become your student on the day one .............. ............
Good-bye that has been spoken since the sixteenth century comes from Godbwye, which is a contraction of “God be with ye"
As-Salaam Alaykum :
It can be split into two :
1) As Salaam: It is one of the names of Allah ( meaning: GOD of Peace, Safety and Perfection)
2) Alaykum: ( meaning: Be with You)
So As Salaam Alaykum must mean: .......... GOD Be With You
Please note that .....English christians used to greet each other with this blessing .. GOD Be With You
But then they started using short form by the passage of time: GOD BWY
GOD Be With You = GOD BWY (BWY = Be With You)
= GoodBYE (LAter on this GOD BWY became GOOD BYE same like Flutterby became Butterfly )
Please advise me if I am wrong.
GOD Be With You
As-Salam Alaykum
thanks. nice post
I dream it too ........................................
its use full try to post 10 words daily
Now I know what's Ahlan that I used to hear from my boss when someone comes in to his office.
Shukran Sana ......... Ila-liqaa .........................