Looking for a Professional Table Tennis partner
By DesertRose87 •
I have a table tennis table at office which can be accessed on the weekends (Friday & Saturday). i'm looking for a professional table tennis player to partner and play with during weekends. Want to improve my game and looking for a mutually beneficial partnership. Interested person may email me at [email protected] or call me at 66302757.
Yes , If my benefits are ensured I may join you , interested very much but afraid ................. ........ ..................... ..........................
Prize & Accha, You gave true value to MM. Ha ha ha .......... .......... Shukran pals.
Prize: Molten Metal will defeat him every time through his logic and not his game!
I stay in Matar Qadeem and used to play for college and university teams, but not at a professional level if ok u can mg me or whats app on 66864981.
i am living in old salata area could you please tell us where is ur location for playing table tennis
i am living in old salata area could you please tell us where is ur location for playing table tennis
I know one qler Molten Metal will be more than happy to join you, just wait for MM's entry here anytime soon.
I can also play but not at professional level. Used to train formally but haven't played for a while. If still interested send SMS to 66735992
I can play but not professional. 33124706