Two kittens need their new home(s)

By MillionTenTen •
TenTen -- around 4 weeks old, perhaps female
Million -- 3 months old? She has the eye problem, her left eye is working at just.
I have four pet cats already. (They are all rescued ex-alley cats.) With some reasons these two kittens came to me. I thought I could have keep them, then my other four cats started behaving so bad...Our house is mess now. The big cats are so jealous of the younger ones. At this moment the younger ones are in the separate rooms, the small TenTen is now in the bathroom...almost always alone.
I am hoping if there are anybody who can give them a better life...
Yes, she is still available. Thanks for asking!
I think she has got a bit of Persian genes, round face with fluffy hair. Maybe this fluffiness is from being a kitten.
If you like, I'd love to send you some TenTen pics via email.
Is Tented still available? And what's her kind?