Best Practices in Employee Welfare

I want to help my Company for better improvement of Human Resource function at the same time a good compliance to Qatar Labor Law.
A. Need to know Best Practices of Employee Welfare.
1.) Our company relies solely on Health Card issued by government. What is your practice? Do you reimburse total amount of medical expense?
2.) How much reimbursement to be given if the employee seek medication in public hospital or Health Center? Is it 100% of his/her expense?
3.) How much reimbursement to be given if the employee seek medication in private hospital o private clinic?
4.) For employee suffered cancer and undergoing medication in National Cancer Center for Research (NCCR), does the Company obliged to reimburse all her medical expenses? If there are limitations what are they?
5.) For any tooth related medication, is the Company oblige to shoulder the expenses?
B. Can anyone suggest any employee engagement activity.