"Qatar will not lose World Cup hosting" – Qatar Foreign Minister

In response to allegations that Qatar might lose its hosting rights for the 2022 World Cup, Qatar’s Foreign Minister Khaled al-Attiyah issued a statement that there was “no way” Qatar would lose the right to host the football sporting event because it had the best bid and deserved to win.
"We are confident we have entered the competition in accordance with the conditions set and this Arab file (Qatar) won."
"Unfortunately, some parties can’t see a Muslim Arab state succeed in attracting such championships. For the first time in the history of world football, this tournament will be held in an Arab state and will be for all Arabs."
On investigations underway into alleged corruption in FIFA, he said:
"We do not have sensitivity or concerns. Such concerns should have been felt during the US investigator’s interrogations" — arguably, a reference to Michael Garcia.
Though he was an American and the US was one of the competitors to host the Cup and Qatar won, "we cooperated with him and investigations showed no suspicion," Qatar News Agency quoted Dr Al Attiyah as saying.
He refused to talk about who he thought were entities or states behind the criticism of Qatar’s bid and whether the criticisms were born out of economic or political rivalry or due to racism.
Qatar deserved to win .. That's it ..
As per Wild turkey..If FIFA openly states on its website that Qatar had worst bid, then why did they award the FIFA to Qatar ?
Are they also stating on their website that Qatar bribed FIFA officials ?
I will enjoy some cold Laban. It is good for the body during the summer season.
Bro there is no racism here , This is card qatar is playing at the same time you did as well , i would back arabs and qataris to win this if it was fair play, they deserve it but it would unfair if bribes were accepted for it to the rest of the world. So let them get back to us till them take a chill pill enjoy while it lasts
Recruiter4lifer: I agree with you that the World Cup means a lot to Qatar and to the thousands of people who would drive benefits from the jobs that it would create. I just pray that we get to see it being held here. I will back Qatar to the best of my ability either here or in social network throughout the world if and when I can. As for the racism part that you have mentioned, I am not a racist but when someone else shows his racism openly with his unwanted attacks, I do my best to defend Qatar, the Arabs, and the others.
acchabaccha is disagree with your comments, You need to know playing politics in such situation would only make a things worse. Truth has not been revealed yet but playing the racism card is a very poor way of handling this situation. If Qatar is clear of allegations they should not worry about losing the world cup. Stock markets have been crashing all week after blatter resigned. I would love to see the world cup here but its for the love i have for the sport nothing else. and think about it this way if the world cup gones away from Qatar lot of people will lose their jobs and more or less the sponsorship system will never be done with. Good luck and pray all i can say.
Big Tyson , Some one is already keeping close eyes on wild turkey , Recently some guys were kicked out without baggage just to tick likes for wrong allegations comments ..
It is very surprising how this Wild Turkey is making such wild allegations on this social site. It is very ridiculous and unimaginable for a person to stoop so low, who makes a hell of fortune, I believe from Qatar (which definitely not his country) and still able to spew so much venom. Moreover the recent investigations have indeed cleared Qatar of any bribery. If he is so much impressed by western media than he should go and file a case and prove his allegations in FIFA or international courts, rather than barking on this platform. I request the authorities to find this person and put him behind bars for false accusations.
We all support Qatar to host fifa 2022 WC and for that we are here now stop barking @ wild turkey and dont be surprise if you receive any call for being anti.
“If evidence should emerge that the awards to Qatar and Russia only came about thanks to bought votes, then the awards could be invalidated. This evidence has not yet been brought forth.”
Fueling uncertainty about the locations of the next two World Cups, a senior FIFA official has said that the organization could consider moving the 2018 and 2022 tournaments out of Russia and Qatar if evidence of wrongdoing during the bid process turns up. Domenico Scala’s remarks – which come as Swiss officials investigate both Qatar and Russia’s bids – suggest that the Gulf country’s right to host the football tournament isn’t as secure as officials here have asserted.
Source: Reuters
@wild turkey why so much of jealous you have about Qatar , Qatar always deserves the best .2022 FIFA in Qatar only. we support it because we live here , don't bark sitting outside the country
"it [Qatar] had the best bid and deserved to win." FIFA says it was the worst bid.
He is right. The legal and finically implications would probably make it impossible
He is right. The legal and finically implications would probably make it impossible
spewd wild venom against Arab and Muslim nation, Wild to prove for Qatar's worst Bid .
accha, you missed to prove that Qatar's bid was the "best". Do you have a problem doing this? So far, you're only parroting the FM and his false claims.
jeftah and gene_Iv: Both of you are simply parroting the views of Wild Turkey who I have clearly pointed out is totally biased against Arabs, the Muslims and Qatar yet he loves to stay here as the glitter of the Riyal is just too good for him to sacrifice and return home. What makes the two of you so sure that Qatar got awarded the World Cup through bribery? Are you member of FIFA? Qatar was awarded the World Cup by FIFA and not by any other organization. They are yet to say anything on this subject but the two of you appear to have more knowledge on the matter just like Wild Turkey than FIFA itself. Have you come across "any report" so far from FIFA that has "openly" accused Qatar of bribery? But then, you must go about accusing a country that is giving you so much. gene_Iv: I agree with you that there are concerns about the living conditions of Asian expats, and not western expats as they live here better than what they had back home even getting to "choose" in which building of "Pearl Tower" they should live in. I also agree that sponsorship laws need need overhauling. But give the government a chance and be a bit patient. As for your views "how the hell they can take care of the event of this magnitude," you are simply underestimating Qatar. The country has money and you cannot deny that. Money can and does make things move. Developments and progress and changes are already taking place at rapid pace all over Qatar. All you need to do is just improve your sight and vision. You will see things in reality for yourself.
If Qatar can't put in place the sponsorship law which was long awaited and the concerns about the living conditions of expats particularly the ASIAN expats, how in HELL can they take care of the EVENT of this MAGNITUDE? Are they DREAMING? Bribery will led them nowhere....
I can prove what I've said. The Evaluation Report is available for everybody at the FIFA website. The minister is remarking "from the hip". I repeat: according to the FIFA Evaluation Report Qatar's bid was the worst. Now, accha, prove me wrong.
Wild Turkey: Pray tell me how much were YOU paid by vested interest to hit out at Arabs, Muslims and Qatar in particular? Almost each and every item you post at QL has fumes of venom spewing out against the Arabs and the Muslims in particular, and the easterners in general. Your very recent attacks on the incorrect use of an English word by a Qatari minister whose native language is not English followed by the feeble and ridiculous defense you put up for two leaders from the west, is ample proof of your thinking and feelings for this region and its people. Yet, with all the hatred that you have shown and will continue to show, your lust for the Riyal still compels you to stay here and fill your coffers which appear to have no bottom. You have pronounced your own judgment on the World Cup allotment to Qatar using a minute portion of your thinking power and more of your emotional power, while the authorities who are looking into everything are yet to say anything on the matter. You were too quick to jump the gun in posting your comment. Do keep in mind that the Qatar Foreign Minister is a man of position, integrity, knowledge, prestige and loyalty who will always make a responsible statement. Your comment is nothing but a remark from the hip, and nothing more than that.
Wild Turkey, you are right.
" the best bid..." According to the FIFA Evaluation Report Qatar's bid was the WORST with two out of nine categories being "High Risk". The "best" bid was that of the USA with only one category (Ground Transport) being "Medium Risk", while all other categories were "Low Risk". Qatar's risks were "medium" and two were "High". The Foreign minister is LYING.
Hmmmm.......After bribery allegation