Supreme Council of Health: Weight-loss tablets are lethal

The Supreme Council of Health (SCH) has warned against the use of Burning Fat Slimming Capsule, a weight-loss medicine which, it said, contains chemicals that can cause serious damage to health and even lead to death.
The SCH said the product was not registered in Qatar and was banned in the country.
However, it is widely promoted in the region through social media and caused the death of a person in a neighbouring country, said a statement issued by the Pharmacy and Drug Control Department at SCH.
The product contains mercury, a toxic chemical, and other substances that are prohibited internationally and have serious side effects that may lead to death, said the statement.
The product's specifications do not show these contents, which have been included without any announcement.
Some social media advertisements introduce the slimming pills as a "magic band" to reduce weight and an alternative to weight-loss surgery.
It is a herbal medicine that can reduce hunger and burn fat, claim the advertisements.
The product is promoted in some neighbouring countries through social media.
The SCH has warned the public against falling prey to misleading social media advertisements and using such products. [The Peninsula]
Don't always believe in shortcuts but hard work is the key
It would be kind of them if they share the names as there are some pharmacies who are selling fat burning tablets with big banners outside their shops.
Not only social media shown this ad, TV commercials also promoted this kind of products .... banned all the products who fools the peoples and make money ...