Maid climbed down sponsor's apartment and escaped

A maid ran away after climbing down a second-floor apartment leaving her sponsor's children in the balcony of the house on Wednesday.
Some workers at a construction site opposite the building spotted the maid climb down using bed sheets that were tied together to form a rope.
The maid, reportedly from a South East Asian country that sends large numbers of domestic workers here, said a taxi was waiting for her and fled the scene.
The incident, according to eyewitnesses, took place between 10 am and 11 am. Sensing foul play, the workers then knocked on the door of a ground floor apartment in the building.
A man opened the door and the workers told him what had happened. The man immediately called the owner of the building and informed him of the incident.
He then called the police and the Civil Defence after seeing two toddlers in the balcony of the apartment the maid had climbed down from.
Civil Defence personnel and a police team arrived on the scene almost immediately. The firefighters used a ladder and took the children to safety.
The man who had called the police gave them the mobile phone number of the building's owner, and from him the police got the phone number of the maid's sponsor.
The sponsor and his wife, a working couple from an Arab country, rushed home and their children were returned to their care. [The Peninsula]
Cover photo for illustration only
sorry if you find my comment strange brit but I know what I am saying,all helpers have the phone numbers of their agency or embassy if she was abused she can call or run away in a better way,the way she used is really dangerous,and there was a taxi waiting for her it means she has access for phone,it is my opinion I respect yours and I know for sure there are other ways to escape but not this
Agree with Brit ............ In emergency safe yourself first then only think about what else needs to be done ................
What a strange comment. She was probably escaping abuse.
She did not endanger the kids .. They were quite safe
I know a story similar but the ending was really sad the helper died upon falling down ,i wonder who is teaching this way of escape risking the kids and herself ,maybe her boss was bad and maybe not ,sometimes she is offered another job at another house that is much higher than what she is getting so do not judge just from your place, I am totally against locking the doors emergencies can happen ,but still this is not the way to escape ,the helper should also have little feelings for these kids .
Nanu: No one would have taken such a step and risked his/her life unless the conditions would forced her to do so.
Nanu , To whom do you support Maid or Madam ? ........... Tell me the truth ........... ...................
The escape group may not be having a copy of door lock key ............... .................. .................
Nanu , This kind of thrill comes in the teenage ...................... adventure .......... taking risk ........... all this needs a creative & courageous mind ..............
...... Consider the door was locked from outside by the owners .......................... ................ then window is the last option ............... .....................
@Molten Metal, even though she was misguided by the taxi driver or any other person but she could still have walked down the stairs.
nanupuka: Exactly
Nanu , May be she was misguided by taxi driver or the person who sent that taxi for her ............ ................
The question here is why she climbed down from the window of the 2nd floor whereas she could have easily opened the door and went down from the stairs if she was treated as a human. She must have been locked inside and that is the reason why she had to climb down, which explains the situation and the reason and motive behind fleeing away.
The question here is why she climbed down from the window of the 2nd floor whereas she could have easily opened the door and went down from the stairs if she was treated as a human. She must have been locked inside and that is the reason why she had to climb down, which explains the situation and the reason and motive behind fleeing away.
The question here is why she climbed down from the window of the 2nd floor whereas she could have easily opened the door and went down from the stairs if she was treated as a human. She must have been locked inside and that is the reason why she had to climb down, which explains the situation and the reason and motive behind fleeing away.
All funny
KM ........ Actually it's a revenge ......... the cruel person is subjected to harsh childhood so the fellow takes revenge when he is able to harm a weaker person ...........
sometimes I wonder.....how could we manage ourselves to become such inhuman! where r our teachings or at least consciousnesses.
IS, That's why my inner voice was / is saying she will return ..............................
Is it confirmed that she was housemaid or she was the wife of the owner?
The answer is easy, Dutch, inhumane treatment.
A thought of ''betterment at somewhere else ''........... is a great motivator ..........
What would motivate a nanny/carer to a point where she feels she has to escape through a second storey window? I would certainly think twice myself before risking tied bedsheets to clamber down...
Very bad.
The story is written to garner symathy for the family and make a criminal of the maid. No reason is given as to why the maid fled.
Did the taxi come back in the evening ? ..............................................
Maids and sevants were used before civilization, its 2015 now and people come here make a little more money and put there kids in the care of a stranger,smh.
Gasoline: Don't you think it is you who needs to take a class or two in English grammar?
Precisely Wunae. Some people are really brainless. My evil ex-boss does this to his maid. He locks her up with his toddler son. Miskin....I wish she would also escape.
Precisely Wunae. Some people are really brainless. My evil ex-boss does this to his maid. He locks her up with his toddler son. Miskin....I wish she would also escape.
Agree totally with chameleon and Wunae.
The same name is given to a seating area in cinemas. You can sit in the balcony to watch the movie.
There is a place in church called 'balcony'. If you are sitting there you are sitting 'in' the balcony.
What if there had been a fire, and this horrible couple have locked their kids and the maid inside the apartment? What if something bad had happened to the child and the maid is locked in and can't rush the child to the doctor, or rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Clearly these parents are awful people to lock their maid inside like a zoo animal. I'm glad this maid has managed to escape. I can only imagine how desperate she must have been to willingly risk injury just to get out of the apartment.
This story isn't true, otherwise the embassy of the maid would have known it according to the user 'translator'.
She must have been treated like a slave locked inside that apartment with the kids everyday for her to escape that way :O If you treat the househelp properly, they would not think of escaping and leaving your kids unsupervised.
Gasoline: Let's not talk about grammar. Recently, a native English speaker who is coming to Doha soon to "teach," posted a query at QL which carried several grammatical mistakes including one in the subject line. Many non-native speakers of English here have not been so lucky back home to receive an education that allows them to write correct English. An example of this is your own posting in which "who ever" has been written down as two words; the word "Grammar" should not have been capitalized; and I believe "too" should have been written as "two."
I do not consider myself to be perfect in the English language. I learn something new with each passing day!
"A maid ranaway after climbing down a second-floor apartment leaving her sponsor's two small children in the balcony of the house on Wednesday".
Kids that move in to solid objects...Looks like mutants from X-Men are real. Or who ever wrote this need a Grammar class or too.