Dish Tv Quiries

By Unkown Lass •
Hello Everyone,
I bought the Airtel Receiver & focus Lnb and now i have to buy a big parabolic dish. but i can see so many big parabolic dishes at my home terrace. Can anyone please let me know if its possible to share from same dish or i need to buy? if i buy how much will it cost and where to buy it? I asked one of my housemate he said he only have malyalam channel (south Indian Channels) so that means i cannot connect to his ryt? or is it possible to get both malyalam for him and hindi channels for me?
Thank you everyone for your suggestion. yeah i checked in LNB which has 4 points so now i will try to connect it. Thank you for your valuable suggestion.
Lass, That Malyalee guy knows all but he isn't telling you the proper solution ........... for knowing proper solution you need to pay him in some way .........
If the exsting LNB has 2 or more ports, you can receive he signals.
If your received is loaded with your choice of package sure you can watch what you want ad he cn watch what he wants.
In order to get the signal from two LNBs (dishes) you need a switch. It has one output (going to your receiver) and four inputs from four different dishes (LNBs). It's as simple as that.
What you need is an LNB with two or four outputs to be installed to the one big dish. That allows you to connect two, three, or four receivers.