How to get NOC
My contract will finish on August 2015 and my employer is expecting I would renew with them, but I wanted to transfer to a more stable company. My present company doesn't issue NOC, but I believe there is another way to obtain one. Asking them to issue me an NOC is impossible. Is there any other way for me to get NOC?
Initially, I thought it was possible until I approached the Labor Office. It was there I learnt they could not help me in this matter. This, as I understood later on, allows employers to "bargain" with their employees who are badly in need of an NOC due to better prospects in some other company they may have found. The employers adopt the strategy "Don't demand your accrued benefits and take the NOC in exchange." It works! The employee sacrifices his benefits to get this piece of paper, and the employers get their "own" pockets filled. The game continues. It is a bitter pill one has to swallow whether one likes it or not.
Good News, since "you believe there is another way to obtain one" try it and pass on the secret to others also. I believe there is a huge crowd waiting to know about this way ! Best of Luck. Stability of a company directly depends on the quality of employees working for them.
You can "believe there is another way to obtain an NOC" all you like, but the truth is that the Labor Law in Qatar leaves it entirely up to your sponsor to decide whether or not you will get one. If the employer has said they will not issue you an NOC, then the only choice you have is between staying in their company, or quitting and finding a job in another country.
If they are refusing to give you an NOC, there is currently no other way by which you could get one.