Unprofessional ARAMEX Courier

I have buy something from america and unfortunately it is sending through ARAMEX COURIER which 100% not satisfied.
The package were arrived in doha on thursday 12 feb 2015, the CS called me that they will deliver it on Sunday 15 feb 2015. He explain that friday and saturday are holidays.
Since i am living inside ras laffan city they explain they can't deliver it so i have to pick it up by myself on the gate. I request them kindly to come on 1.00PM above due to lunch break and no driver is available since it takes around 15 min from our office to tje main gate.
Today as schedule suddenly on 12.00PM the courier personel called me to notify that after 10min he will be arrive on the gate...WTH!!!!
I explained him that i can't go at this time there is no driver available.
By unfriendly way he answer that "tomorrow i bring it back"
I am reply to him if tomorrow please come after 1.00PM, again he reply "i don't know you call main office"
I call their office, again with unfriendly answer they told me that they can't arrange the courier to come as my request!!! Just please arrange with the courier personel!!!
I fell very upset with this condition but i try to find the way by given the address of my friend in alkhor. I recall the courier personel to give him the new address as he still somewhere around al khor. He reply me again by unfriendly manner "tomorrow" and he switch off the connection.
This is my first time having a problem with a courier service which UNABLE TO DELIVER, i have been use DHL, FED-Ex and Q-Post before and i am really satisfied... The courier and CS is very friendly and nice if you asked or request something.
I am really not recommended to use such a courier to deliver your package.
Sorry i left my mobile since yesterday in my camp. Anyhow i got the package yesterday and your courier delivered it to the new address that i gave him.
I don't have any bad intend while posting my complain to the web but really i need your service to be improve since i still got another package in the future which may use your service. I have dealt with other courier services and sorry to say but only your personels having a problem in conversation, the way they talked really unfriendly and doesn't have a willing to satisfied the customer. I knew they are busy but this is their job to listen the customer problem and try to find best solution for them.
Thanks a lot for the reply and attention hopefully this is the last incident happen
We came across your post and regret the inconvenience you went through when receiving the shipment. We have investigated the matter and it seems the shipment got delivered yesterday.
However, we still would like to get in touch with you to investigate this further. We tried contacting you on the phone number registered on our systems, without luck. May you please provide us a phone number we can reach you at, you can email us at [email protected] .
Thank you.
Customer Service Team
Aramex International
Alhamdulillah this afternoon they deliver my package to the new address that i given them, i believe someone has read my complain here.
I see some friends here having the same issue like me, hopefully their management read this and improve their service and kind of this incident will not happen to others.
Mr. Shutter : i use to buy from amazon and recently i am shopping from MarkaVIP i wish they use Fedex or DHL :))
DHL is the best. They are much cooperative. At times, I tell them I will catch your delivery anywhere Doha since am busy and moving around. I will get the driver number. Then chase once am free :) So both will not waste time :)
i got a same problem with you my friend, i usually shopped online namshi and their courier partner is ARAMEX i scheduled for a delivery during office hours 1pm to 4pm since that is the option in the online Aramex. i called the customer service that need to deliver before 4pm because office hours is till 4pm then he speak ok i call the delivery. 3pm i called the delivery he spoke to me 10mins sir, till 3:30pm i called again he speak 5 mins. wait until 4pm he not yet arrived. then 5pm he called then sir i'm already here in the gate and i spoke to him i already told you need to deliver before 4pm then he speak no worries sir i can deliver tomorrow then i told him since you already there and my camp is near would you mind to deliver in my accommodation , he told me i cant deliver to different address call the customer service and change the delivery address and he hangUP the phone! rude and unpleasant gesture! then after 10 mins aramex send me a message "unable to deliver your package since your not available! looks like my mistake, poor performance, unpleasant, incompetent, always late of time schedule for delivery!
@wearetravels: i tried it before in India too and was jus useless :(
Aramex is jus brand $#it in India too,,,,,Never use their service for life :(
its true bro becoz i got my pc last week from my country which the casing was bent and the boxes were torn and inside some parts were broken...............bad services by aramex
Just write your complaint on above the link , and will try its not happening to others, as well.
Yes, I too suffered. ARAMEX services (delivery) are very unprofessional.