Traffic Department stopped loaned cars from licenses

By Ahmed-Raslan •
Al Salam Alikom,
Starting Thursday 1/1/2015, Traffic Department Stopped providing new Istemaras for cars wich are bought through bank loans.
Does anyone know what's next?? what would be the other alternatives. I was going to buy a car through First Finance but now I don't know what shall I do???
I don't think this is meant for residencies, but sure there is something weird :(.
I called first finance & they told me all car loans are on hold for a week at least then they will have a new strategy
its all part of a hidden agenda,... tightening the arms of law against car dealers... stopping people to go for bank loans... this all looks suspicious .
cant say anything now.. i am worried.. i need to stay here to earn money
@lipsy: its true... go to any show room to make sure ur self
But there might be a way out ........ let the sun rise tomorrow .................
Somebody may be breaking the rules ........................ that 's why they stopped it.
I know news but ..... What is lungi ? ........................................
I feel like lungi news. No one stop any one to buy and sell
what? is this news true? what about renewal of istemaras for cars already under loan? What happened to this country?
People will start to take personnel loans and buy cars. More profit for banks.
Cheap and easy Bank's car loans have virtually flooded the roads, which is why you see traffic jams everywhere now.
Save and buy a used car.