Usurpation of accommodation/living units by Fillipinos

Why is the government of Qatar so insensitive to the usurpation of accommodation by especially the Fillipinos?
Does it mean that all the living units in Qatar are controlled by Fillipinos and Indians?
There's hardly any call you place through for a house that won't get you "only for Fillipinos" for an answer.
It's complete poverty to hoard accommodation and arrogate it to only your country men no matter who else is crying out for it. Doha is neither Manila nor is it Kerrela.
Why is Qatar such a spawning bed for hidebound mediocrity? This is not the experience in South Korea, where there are a backlog of Fillipino and Indian migrants as well.
You did not come to Qatar with any house. So why keep houses from other people's reach? You came to Doha with your baggage of putrid poverty and thank God things turned around for you.
And now the only way you can bless the world is to become mischievous and arrogate accommodations to your countrymen only and keep it from reaching other nationals. You are a cursed man or woman to be doing this.
This shows how poverty and mediocrity have you bound. No body will give you any house when you get out of this enclave called Qatar.
I know some of you don't even have big dreams beyond the shores of Qatar but if you're going to live in another country someday, I guess you'd better stop being wicked to the world around you.
There is no equality in Nature. This is why we are made of difference races, colors, religions, etc. In the Middle East, salary structures are based on the persons origin and or passport. Westerners receive much higher salaries compared to their Asian counterparts, etc. If for example, you are an American passport holder but originated in India, you will not receive the same status as a true blue blooded American. This is life. Enjoy what we can and endure what we must. Merry Christmas...
Can u give answer for my question as well, Why here Americans / British are giving ten times salary compared to poor Filipinos / Indians ?
Would Indians share their place with Pakistanis? Israelites and Arabs? Americans with Bangladesh? Your complain is unfounded. Grow up MAN!!! Can a person who takes a bath 3 times a day share his place to someone who hardly change his clothes?
Why the hell would we share accommodations if it is affordable with our salaries or allowances. Duh.
We are only helping each other because housing is too expensive for our meager salaries. Other nationalities can actually rent a whole villa exclusively for themselves but Filipinos and Indians can't afford to that's why they share a villa. No other offense is meant nor is it for moneymaking. Filipinos want to have Filipino "housemates" or "roommates" because they understand each other better - language, culture, food. Same with Indians and others. That's it. Be glad you're not Filipino or Indian. Why do you have to degrade others?
Just because you can't find an accommodation... you are now calling people usurpers? C'mon man! Seriously? Is it not possible that they simply want to deal with their own kind for easier negotiation or for preference? I have been in your shoes and I don't think its really hard to find an accommodation if you are patient enough. I have seen a lot who wants to give the accommodation to a specific group. So I respect it and move on. I think that's what you should do too. Just chill and eventually you will get your own place to live.