Qatar is thinking to help private businesses to grow
It is vital for any business to have the least expenses. However in Qatar the cost of doing business have been going up and up with no upper limit, which has grossly dented the private sector. Now the govt. is planning to bring down the real estate rentals thus making the private business viable.
One of the best options is to build a "Porta Cabin Village" that could house fancy porta cabin rooms, stores and shops on the outskirts of Doha city. This can help bring down the cost of doing business in Qatar very quickly and without harming other sectors of the economy.
Porta cabin shop/room to be fire proof, and rent to be Qar. 1000 per month. This village can give a colorful look, can become a hot spot for shoppers, and can offer very cheap priced products and services, and on top of it, when ever it is needed, this village could easily be modernized as per country's futuristic needs. This mega project can be completed in just few months.