Win tickets to the premiere of Dumb and Dumber To

We have an exciting collaboration with Gulf Film and Novo Cinemas. We are giving away movie premiere tickets to new upcoming movies.
Here's your ultimate chance to win! You will be winning tickets for the following movie this time:
Dumb and Dumber To
Premiere Screening: November 11, 2014 – Novo Cinemas The Pearl-Doha, Qatar
Middle East Release Date: November 13, 2014
Rating: TBC
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels
Synopsis: Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts: "Dumb and Dumber To."
The original film's directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, ever be given.
Time: Doors open 8.30 pm (Free seating)
We have a lot of tickets to give away. If you would like to win a pair of tickets, all you have to do is answer the following question.
Q: What is the dumbest thing you have done in your life? (Please think twice before you answer)
We will pick 10 lucky winners based on some of the best dumbest things you did in your life.
Have fun reading the dumb and dumber comments.
LUCKY WINNERS of a pair of ticket.
From QL Comments: barghouti, claire_wood, osamabawab, abugado, Khalid manjie
From Facebook Comments: Hasan Riaz, Yousuf Salam, Saqib Mumtaz, Alexa Siddique, Eleanore Si Adiong
Thank you QL. Info sent via email. Premier screening tonight, right? Excited! Where to claim the ticket? Thanks again.
Thank you very much
In heigh school I asked our school's manager to write me a love letter for a girl.
Guess what!!
He wrote it...
One day my teacher was so bad that he couldn't answer some of the class questions. so one day I asked him a simple question and he just pretended he didn't listen to me, so I told If you don't know the answer just be honest ' in an angry voice' so he kicked me out and brought my parents. and that was the dumbest thing I have ever done. :)
One day my teacher was so bad that he couldn't answer some of the class questions. so one day I asked him a simple question and he just pretended he didn't listen to me, so I told If you don't know the answer just be honest ' in an angry voice' so he kicked me out and brought my parents. and that was the dumbest thing I have ever done. :)
I was about three years old and came up to my dad crying, telling him that I hit my head. He asked what happened, so I went to the wall and hit my head again to show him.
Heard of the phrase, if you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they are all yours except that I was so stupid & angry to never realize that. Not that she is gone :(, I can't decide how big stupid I am.
Heard of the phrase, if you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they are all yours except that I was so stupid & angry to never realize that. Not that she is gone :(, I can't decide how big stupid I am.
Slapped a guy really hard from behind at the gym, thinking he was one of my school friend....but he was not. :D
Ate raw noodles, then sauce, n then hot water n the ROF...to avoid cooking the noodles...haha....
I ordered stationary supplies needed for the office without the approval of my boss. lol crazy.
once I was invited at my friend's wedding party (belongs to other country & culture as well)...I went there, wearing their traditional clothes but when I reached,there was only one person that looking totally different from others and Everyone was staring him with naked eye as in " he comes from other planet"...that kind of alien was me :( .. embarrassing situation, it was LOL idea to wear their traditional clothes..
Elected Mechanical Engineering : )
taking a bank loan for buying luxury car
One time during lunch break I was with my boss together with my colleague. After having his tea, my colleague went out of the room and left his mobile unknowingly.
My boss told me to give my colleague a ring and (since he is THE boss) I did (even though I knew it was a dumb idea). The phone rang in front of us and my boss blurted out, “Hahaha, you actually called!” It was a real a dumb and dumber scenario and seriously embarrassing. But it was a good laugh.
when i was highschool, i thrown a stone to my teacher accidentally which was cause of her bleeding head but no body knows that i was responsible of the behind accident.
Started smoking to look cool in high school.
P.S. I manage to quit in the university. :)
I got Married.