Can i return to qatar after fleeing in the past?

By punkrox2k2 •
Several years ago I was working in Doha and obtained an exit permit to go to Dubai for the weekend. Only instead of staying in Dubai I decided to return permanently to the UK. Since this was a dishonest way of leaving the country (since I never informed my employer and left the country under false pretenses) does it mean I cannot return to Qatar without risking punishment? I'm conscious that many flights have connections in Doha, and I now have a job that involves travel. I worry that my current company may require that I travel to or through Qatar and I'm not sure if I would be risking punishment if I return. Does anyone know what the consequences of my actions would be if I ever go back to Qatar? (No need to scold me, I'm aware that I was stupid in leaving the way I did)
No worries. Unless you owe money in Qatar, your two year ban is finished and you can come and go as you please. If you owe some money, it's best if you sort that out first. I know a couple of people in a similar situation and they have returned for a visit after the two year period.
If you have some financial obligations and never settle it surely once you landed Doha Airport they will immediately catch you unless you will explain yourself and willing to clear your previous obligations etc .....
Yes , there is a big chance, you mignt be taken into custody at the airport . The best thing to do is contact your old compantand explain the situationand see if its possible tocome to qatar transit, also please ignoremy keyboard , the space button is stuck.