Qatar visa on arrival for Chartered Accountant living in UAE

Please advise if a Chartered Accountant can get visa on arrival in Qatar. Person is a residernt of UAE (Indian Nationality).
As per the list of MOI in which GCC Residents having a certain profession (188 categories are listed) can get a visa on arrival, the list shows Category 96 is Accountant/Account Verifier/Auditor.
But airlines are insisting that Chartered Accountant does not match this category. They say it should be word to word same.
Would appreciate if anyone could share their experience.
I'm a student of Fidei polytechnic ogboko here in Nigeria. electrical department. I'm look for a industrial trainee job to practically expose me to my area of study. and I can also work as an helper or assistant in any field if I'm opportune to. my mother is very sick and I can do anything job to enable me get some money for her treatment. here is my number +2348069345240. I will be glad if my request will grant. have a nice day friends. hoping.
You can get on arrival
More details you cab check qatar website
chartered accountant
Whats ur profession in uae ID ??