Salary transfer to banks to end illegal visa trade

Once the salaries of low-income workers begin to be transferred to banks and exchange houses as planned, the illegal trade in visas will be substantially reduced, say businessmen.
The illicit trade is on a decline already following the government’s crackdown on companies dealing in ‘free’ visas, say sources.
Banks and exchange houses don’t deal with expatriates who don’t have valid residency permit (RP) and ID card, and this should be an effective way to end free visa trade, said Mohamed Abdullah Al Marri.
“This would help end the problem of runaway workers,” Al Sharq said in a report yesterday. The trend of ‘free’ visas would also decline once salaries of all low-income workers are paid through banks and exchange houses.
“Surely, the black marketing in visas would end with the electronic salary transfer system being in place,” said businessman, Jabor Al Marri.
Make a rule that any of work visa issued by any sponsor;
1.He should work with the same sponsor for one year compulsory then only can transfer the visa to other company / sponsor.
2. Must have RP with same sponsor.
3. His salary has to be transfer to the bank.
Then only It will work.
I hope this is also the government's way of monitoring companies who don't give salaries to their workers on time...
No chance .free visa every body using for arrival only .ones they found jobs they will change the sponsorship to company.other things there are many companies who issue RP and ID for cash .no body going to audit that the fellow got the salary or not