Living the Expat Dream….

Last evening, the entire gang (J, Mr H, Nu and Lil Z) visited their local supermarket. They cavorted amidst the crowds and aisles, had popcorn and muffins, raced with the shopping carts, made funny but surreptitious comments on fellow shoppers and somehow managed to get some grocery shopping done in the process.
At the end, like always; they decided to split tasks to hasten matters. Mr H wanted to look at some car accessories, Nu was given the task of stowing the bags in the car and of course J (with Lil Z in tow) headed for her donut fix. They decided to meet back at the car.
J gobbled her donut; packed some for the next morning , dusted the icing sugar off her face and headed to the parking area. As J walked to the car, she saw Nu busy chatting up a “cart- boy”. One of those people who help pack the groceries at the billing counters or locate and bring back the heedlessly discarded carts….
He was a snappy, young, smart -looking, diminutive Nepali chap. Educated enough to speak more than coherent English. Well- mannered.
He spoke in halting but good English. Was shy and almost stopped talking when J arrived. But J was curious to hear what he had to say. She half expected it to be some new scam. Some method to make a few quick Rials. To milk some sympathy and guilt them into giving some money maybe.
But there was something about the almost boy- man which told her this was not a scam. He did not feign misery. He seemed to have a dignified mien.
He was voicing his woes. Looking for a sympathetic ear. He did not want money or favours. He was not hassling them for anything. He just wanted to be heard. Noticed.
J’s not exactly sure as to how Nu got him talking. He has his ways….
Let’s call our Nepali friend Rupen. That was not his name, but it is close to his real name. Names give people an identity. Makes them more humane. It is better than calling him “that Nepali” or “that guy” or even “that man”.
Rupen earned 800 QAR per month he told them. There was no wretchedness in his demeanour as he mentioned this. No spitefulness against fate or life. He seemed to be stating a mere fact. Nothing more.
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@ Molten. I'm waiting for the pic, dear. lol.
There 'r a few who decided not to comment surreptitiously for the remaining days of this month.
I knew one Nepali with the name { sounds like } Nupen, it may be him because he was looking for work at a supermarket ............... Sun, 31.08.2014, 09.38 hrs
surreptitious means done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing ....
Thanks Esshi for sharing ..........
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