Stories from the pediatric emergency centre

First night among the screaming angels and the walking dead.
The neonatal unit is packed to capacity. The wails of tiny humans ring through the corridors for the entire night. J catches snippets of conversations. One little one has short-gut syndrome. Another has a cardiac problem. One has meningitis. The diseases are varied, their consequences all are the same- crying babies and horrified parents.
The parents walk around with dread and worry writ large on their faces. Since it is the neonatal unit, the mothers there have all given birth recently. Just like J. All have raccoon like dark circles. Some can barely walk. Some are in wheel chairs. The fathers look helpless. They all look like the walking dead. Like zombies in a cheap, low budget Hollywood movie with crass make-up artists.
In a weird way, the miserable ambience grants some solace to Mr H and J. They are not alone. Theirs is not the only sick child. Collective misery is easier to bear.
Doctors, and more doctors….
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