I need help about secondment

By MachoGuapito •
can anyone help me regarding second ment im new in qatar only six months in my employeer I want to shift my work to other company using secondent but our company HR manager told me that I have to coplete one year before i can use the secondment but I already resign to my current employer and it has been approved already... can anyone help me regarding the secondment law is it true that i have to finished one year to my employeer? please help.
If you have already resigned then it's a bit late to be asking the question. It's now not possible for you to take work from another sponsor because you haven't spent enough time with your first sponsor.
If you 'r prepared to wait for two or three months more there might be even better offer on your way so think about that before accepting the present deal ........... Sun , 06.07.2014 , 09.33 hrs
in the first place... you are just new in qatar and yet you are thinking of shifting to new job???you dont have patient to wait for 1 year???worse comes to worse...you will go back to your home country penniless.....what a pity young man.....