HIA launch smart solutions

Passengers and visitors at Hamad International Airport (HIA) can use smart solutions such as ‘Pay-on-Foot’ automatic parking fee payment system and self-service ‘Web Check-In’ to avoid waiting in long queues.
‘Pay-on-Foot’ machines enable visitors to make payments through 16 machines at strategic locations inside the terminal.
They not only save a lot of time of passengers, but also help them avoid paying extra fee for the time waiting for their turn in queues to exit parking bays.
Although there are staff at almost every nook and corner inside and outside the airport to assist people in using cutting-edge technologies, visitors still need to be familiarised with the system, especially first-timers.
The HIA recently announced car parking fees which took effect yesterday.
To use ‘Pay-on-Foot’ machines, visitors must carry parking tickets instead of leaving them in their vehicles.
Although there is easy access from the departure (first floor) and arrival (ground floor) terminals, passengers travelling for the first time often get confused about the location of arrival and departure.
Locating their cars in huge parking bays (short-term) is also a problem for those who do not remember the numbers of parking slots and levels they have used.
“Despite assigned numbers for each parking slot, some passengers still face difficulties in locating their cars. Visitors, who do not remember the location of their cars after parking, some times take more than an hour to find their vehicles, especially at night,” said a security guard at the parking bay.
“People often complain about the distance of the parking bay from the passenger terminal.”
Parking for the first 30 minutes is free while QR5 is charged for the first hour.
The ATM-like machines not only accept payments for parking fees, but also give the balance if you enter a big denomination note. They also have the facility to use coins but since there are no coins more than 50 dirhams, the option cannot be exercised.
but overall the idea is nice
it's to forced the people to walk... it's healthy... ;)
I remember the complaints about how it was "too far" to walk from the new arrivals terminal back to the carpark... I'm just waiting for similar complaints now about the new airport. Perhaps there will be the usual suspects complaining that the airport should be providing golf carts and shuttle buses so that people don't have to walk.
Very simple answer to your question, LLR. It would be far too convenient for people.
"They also have the facility to use coins but since there are no coins more than 50 dirhams, the option cannot be exercised". What's the point in reporting that confusing line? Why not make it clear and just say "Coins not accepted"? It is kind of like saying "all flights from the new airport could be free, but since the airlines would go broke, people have to pay".
Funny reporter.
What about the basic need , I mean an "ATM"?
If you think there might be an ATM inside, then it would be the biggest mistake of the day.. you gotta walk all the way back to first gate to take money...
when I travelled last month, after arrival, I had to walk the whole arrival lounge until I reach the other side to withdraw money..
Why not HIA can have one or two of them near to Baggage collection units?