Russian Speaking Schools?

Hi All. My first post here so please take it easy if I have missed a previous post on a similar subject.
I am considering taking a position in Qatar and bringing my Ukranian wife (as she will be by then) and her 8 year old son with me (if possible!)
He speaks Russian and basic English. Are there any Russian schools in Doha? If not does anyone have any experience of how a school deals with kids whose English is lagging behind the rest of the class. I cannot imagine I am the first person to have had this issue.
He is very sharp and will develop his Enlish skills quickly but I don't want to put him at a big disadvantage.
Look forward to your advice and opinions
Finding a place in a school for September will be a challenge for any student no matter their first language. The better English schools don't have places and have long waiting lists in most instances. I believe many also do an assessment for entry (and charge fees for the testing). If your employer is one of the oil companies, you may have better luck as often their employees' children get first chance at empty seats when they come up.
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