Youth in GCC favour Qatar 2022

More than 60 percent of youth in the GCC countries believe Qatar was the right choice to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, shows a regional survey.
ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey results show that 57 percent of Arab youth from GCC and non-GCC countries believe Qatar was the right choice to host the World Cup.
Support for a Qatar World Cup is strongest in the GCC countries with 61 percent saying the Gulf state was the right choice to host the tournament compared to 54 percent in the non-GCC Arab countries
Two thirds of youth (65 per cent) think Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup will encourage development of football in the Arab world.
Over a quarter (26 percent) of youth in non-GCC countries and 25 percent in the Gulf states “don’t know” if Qatar was the right choice while 14 percent and 20 percent in GCC and non-GCC countries, respectively, believe it was the wrong choice.
Qatar beat off bids from Australia, Japan, the United States and South Korea for the right to stage the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The Arab Youth Survey is an annual initiative of ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller, the leading public relations consultancy in Middle East and North Africa (Mena).
ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller’s sister agency, international polling firm PSB, which officially established its Middle East offices in January of this year, conducted 3,500 face-to-face interviews with exclusively Arab men and women aged 18-24 in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen and Palestine.
The survey was conducted between December 2013 and January 2014.
Now world cup started in Brazil, So many Peoples from Brazil they don't like spending money for this festival instead of their basic need. why don't you people not discussing for this. In Qatar here no any such kind of issues and all Locals even entire Middle east welcomes this event to Qatar Governments ready to spent for this so why everybody making problems in this part .
Fire 777: What I have written is what I see. There are so many of them like you around here, who live here, earn here, becomes wealthy here, and yet turn around and accuse the country just because they think they are the only honest ones in the world and have the right to point fingers art others or set the rules of honesty. Just look down your collar and ask yourself if what you are doing is correct.
Fire 777: It is not evidence of bribery but for some reasons not understood the entire western world has taken up arms against Qatar to hold the 2022 world cup. Step by step, an ugly face of Qatar is being displayed in a planned, systematized attack. Recently, I came across two articles in QL, one of them a video stated to have been made by students carrying out 'research", that portrayed a far-from-true negative image of the country. This was followed by another article which placed Doha among the most 20 most polluted cities in the world. The people who make such videos or write such items against Qatar, are simply nothing but paid propagandist.
Do it again & you 'll get 100 % . ............................................ Fri , 13.06.2014 , 09.20 hrs