ICTQatar: Internet access increased to 96% in Qatar
In a recent report on ICT usage, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology concluded from a survey that overall ownership rate of laptops is 93%, mobile phones nearly 100%, and smartphones 65%. Qatar is leading in Internet connectivity and digital device access.
The report also highlights the increasing tablet ownership in Qatar. The penetration rate jumped to 29% in 2013, tripling that of 2012.
Social network was used by nearly 93% of the 2,207 people surveyed.
Increasing effort from business and organizations to offer tech-based services corresponds to rising interests in mobile wallet (72% respondents) and mobile money transfer (69% respondents).
Putting Qatar on a global perspective, the report says:
The study compares household penetration levels of ICT devices in various countries. Qatar enjoys higher penetration rates for laptops, smartphones, and tablets compared with more mature ICT economies such as Sweden and Singapore, which trail Qatar significantly. Korea lags far behind in terms of laptops and tablets, and is equivalent to Qatar in terms of smartphone penetration.
By Penny Yi Wang, with information from ICTQatar report.
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