So, let's go B-A-G-E-T-S- S-S
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Lenten Season Message: 'Bagets' by Fr. Gerry Orbos
BACK in 1990, when my brother, Manong Oscar, was the secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), I also introduced myself as the secretary of transformation and Communion!
Come to think of it, the whole Lenten season is simply the call toward real conversion and transformation of one's heart and character, and, toward a deeper, more personal communion with God and others, especially the less fortunate in our midst. It's the time to be renewed and vibrant, to be BAGETS in our spiritual life once again.
So, let's go B-A-G-E-T-S- S-S for Lent.
> B - Balik Panginoon:
Let us bring back God into our hearts by making a good confession. When was the last time you really humbled yourself and asked to be forgiven by your God? Right away, the evil one will tell you that you have no real sins (denial), that it's really not that bad so there's no need to go to confession (rationalization) and that you go to confession. "tsaka na lang" (postponement) .
> A - Alis Galit:
Look into your heart and dispose all the useless junk you've been carrying in your heart all these years. You are not obliged to be miserable in this life! Forgive and you are free. Continue to be angry and resentful and you are miserable. You have been forgiven much. Be grateful. Be forgiving. End your private wars and battles. In the end, nobody wins if nobody forgives.
Forget your favorite refrain that says "Me and me against the world." And stop being calculating and exacting in your relationships. Dapat give na give ka, huwag lang one-give, two gives, three gives!
> G - Gawa Mabuti:
Share naman. You, who have much in life, please help the many people suffering around. I raise again the question: How much money do you really need in this life to be happy? How much of that money you are accumulating and holding on so can you take along with you when you leave this world?
Remember, to whom much is given, much is also required. Again, be reminded that the riches (time, talent, and treasure) that you give away are the only riches you bring with you to eternity. Use your money for your salvation, not for your condemnation.
> E - Express your Love:
Slow down and take time for God and people, and also for yourself. A very good practice is to kneel down as soon as you wake up and before you sleep to express! your adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication (ACTS) to your God. Another doable and very renewing practice is to drop by a church just to spend some moments of quiet and prayer - the candle glow once more!
On the human level, it is amazing how we can "starve" other people of our love. We give only the comfortable installment, as it were, with a plan to give the lump sum when the person is dead or dying already. When it comes to loving, regular daily shower is better than a long drought with a final big downpour. Little things mean a lot, and it takes very little to make our loved ones happy. A phone call. a smile, a pat on the back, a hug, very doable. Just do it now.
> T - Tanggal Bisyo:
Someone once told me that he had no temptations. Why? Because as soon as temptation comes, he'd give in right away! We must not give up fighting our vices and weaknesses. We must continue to try and avoid the occasions and persons that lead us to sin. It would be a good idea to chart once the stages and steps that led you to a particular sinful moment. Once you know that road, avoid it. That's right: take the "road less traveled." It leads to peace. It leads to Heaven.
> S - Sacrifice:
The "mardi-gras" and the carnival started as pre-Lenten celebrations to accentuate the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of fasting and abstinence of cuaresma (40 days). Carnival comes from the Latin word carne (meat) and vale (goodbye). Lent is the time to say goodbye to whatever or whoever is dragging you down in your spiritual life. So, what would it be? Goodbye girls? Goodbye gambling? Goodbye kurakot? Take your pick.
> S - Smile:
Whatever sacrifice or good deeds you do, do it with a smile. God loves a cheerful giver, and God blesses a generous grateful! (not resentful) heart. Take away that "Good Friday look" from your face and that "far-away look" in your eyes.
> S - Secret:
If you want to experience real joy, do all of the above in secret. Let it be something just between you and your God, and you'll experience a joy, which the world cannot give or take away. Come to think of it, maybe this is the reason I started this with a note about being a secretary - a reminder to keep our Lenten project of transformation and communion a secret.
Lord, you are calling me again towards deeper conversion. Today, this moment, I hear your voice. Help me not to harden my heart. Amen.