Swelling in Foot during pregnancy
I have got this swelling in foot because of pregnancy. Unfortunately, I have a job which requires me to sit & work for 8 hours & the desk doesnt have the facility to put foot rest. Because of this I am having problems during praying & I have started doing that too by sitting. From last 3 nights I am putting sofa big cushion under my feet before retiring to bed in the night & by the morning it eases out a lot but still the ankles & their other sides look like filled with water. My husband is curious & thinks that he should pinch my foot with a needle to take all that air out (hehhehehe). Pls tell me how to avoid this all or any other remedy which could help me out. Doctors say this is normal & do not give any medicine or other thing for this. I think I am in the 7th month now :)