QAWS Environment Day - Photos

On May, 2 2009 (Saturday) QLVG joined hands with QAWS to clean the Animal farm and help QAWS building new kennels for Animals :
Xena and Chelsea: First of all 'Thank you' very much for providing us the chance to do something New and Exciting volunteer job. It was a good experience for us.
Here are some photos I was able to take, thought to share with you all :-)
We reached the QAWS Farm early morning at 8:00AM
"Pakistan Group Manager - 'Xray' digging hole for fixing pillars to build Kennels"
"Before entering QAWS Farm, we saw some beautiful camels"
"Duck hiding behind the bushes in the Farm, beside farm water canal"
"Welcome to QAWS 'Wow Wow Wow' said the Dog (seems to be a recepionist at QAWS"
"The CEO of QAWS, seems like he was angry with the his GM"
"Secretary to CEO, She was little upset, because she was expecting 'Rizk' to come and clean her room, I think she was pregnant, How? don't ask me coz I did not see another doneky except the black bull next room"
"Behind QAWS women and children busy cleaning the farm area, while QAWS men on the front discussing about buidling new 'Kennels' for the new comers (Animals can apply)"
"QLVG Volunteers busy colleting debris from the Farm"
"Mixing cement with sand and stones, it was really a hard work"
"QLVG member drinking water, as the time was passing, the sun was getting hot, but the wind was cool due to farm surrounded by trees, which really keeps volunteers keep going"
"Guess who? one of QLVG female volunteer with her son, Speed teaching her how to dig a hole ... LOL"
"QAWS Management Team - Kudos to QAWS for their efforts putting into Animal Welfare in Qatar"
This is not the end of the story, QAWS still needs more volunteers to complete the buiding of 'New Kennels' (New home of Animals - mostly dogs and cats). They have a traget to complete this project by Thruday, 7th May 2009.
We need more Volunteers to come forward and help QAWS to complete their Kennel project on time. Anyone interested please come forward. I am telling you it's really fun and good experience.
Who wants to Volunteer few hours to help QAWS in building new Kennels?