Reshaping The Filipina Image Online
What image pops up in your head when you say or hear the word “Filipina?”
A smile.
A mother breastfeeding her child.
An excellent homemaker.
A powerful leader and mentor in her chosen business, profession or vocation.
Another smile, inviting you to meet her family and firends.
A friend who’s there for you, no matter what.
Ah, I’ve never met a Filipina — but I’d like to.
An influential, affluent decision maker.
A woman, confident and willing to go an extra mile to get things done.
A woman I can trust to take care of my kids.
A sexy woman.
A mystery?
A girl, shy and innocent.
A fun-loving woman.
A beautiful person, inside and out.
Endless, timeless images of a Filipina. was created on August 8, 2007 to make the online campaign an ongoing endeavor. The renewed campaign actually started on June 27, 2007.
Lorna Lardizabal-Dietz, Dine Racoma and myself (Noemi Lardizabal-Dado) created this news portal and advocacy blog for a timeless Filipina Image Online Campaign . Please register and post your Filipina-themed entries or link them here in this site.
All of us posted our own respective Filipina campaigns such as Lorna’s The Filipina Woman’s Image Online: We Have The Power To Shape The Future, Dine’s Let’s Fiercely Campaign to Reclaim the Dignity of the Filipina Woman and Reshape the Clean Image of the Sexy Filipina and my own How to Reshape The Sexy Filipina Image in 3 easy Steps . The campaign does not stop in our blogs. We want to continue to showcase and honor the wonderful, diverse Filipina images even after we have achieved a balance of “Filipina” Search Engine Results (SERPs).
What do we mean by “balance?”
The word “Filipina” on the internet showcases websites that are top-heavy on her physical attributes, dating availability, or marriage suitability. What’s wrong with this picture? Nothing and everything.
If you google or yahoo search the word, “Indian,” there is no reference to an Indian woman in the first 10 results. Likewise with the word, “American” or “Russian.” No woman-related entry either. Type “Filipino.” Chances are that the prominent entry you will find on the first page showcases the keywords, “Filipino girls, Filipina dating, Philippine women.” Search for “Filipina.” You’ll most likely notice that six out of 10 sites are NOT devoted to the advancement and accomplishments of the Filipina.
The Filipina of the Future deserves a more empowered, diverse image online.
Multiple, complex, and whole.