
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to know are there any Fantasy fans out there. I'm a major Fantasy buff. Read JRR Tolkien when I was 12, and I mean all the books...LOTR, The Silmarllion, Lost tales of middle Earth etv. Have also read (and am in love with)...Terry Brooks "Shannara" series, Philip Pullman " Dark Materials Trilogy", The Dragonlance series (Margaret Weiss), Christopher Paolini "Eragon and Eldest" and for comedy the best ....Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" Series......
But my all time favorite will be Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series, have read all 11 books and am desperately waiting for the 12th and last book due sometime next year.
So if there are any fantasy fans out there in Qatar, do let me know and we can discuss stuff....
Caio and have a nice day.....