Video: "Future Steps" Raising Awareness in Doha
By tariq_doha •
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Guys watch this documentary a few students made about Doha. It is really good.
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Guys watch this documentary a few students made about Doha. It is really good.
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Did you attempt to find the answers? I googled dust in Doha and it took me about 2 minutes to find out:
Results of monitoring minute particles in the air show increase in pollution rates in Doha, where
minute particles amount raised from (128.78) microgram/cubic meter of air in 2007, to (155.7)
microgram/cubic meter in 2010, i.e. an annual growth rate of (%5.4). This increase is attributed
mainly to sand storms, that Qatar face as natural phenomenon, without omitting other pollutant
sources, e.g. transportation, where Doha is considered one the most car using cities in the world
compared to its population, in addition to that the effect of manufacturing, specially cement
industry, which discharge many aerial plankton and dust, and the unprecedented activity in
construction of infrastructure witnessed by the State, and its impact of pollutants.
The international permitted level for this type of atmospheric pollution is 50 microgram/cubic meter of air.
And yes, these are statistics collected by the Qatar Government.
I can't really be bothered checking the rest of these points. Frankly I'm surprised that the number of people dissatisfied with garbage disposal is on 65%. I would love to meet the people who think that it's perfectly acceptable to throw crap out the window of your car, and that having open top skips with feral cats rummaging inside is the way we should be living in a "modern city".
This is the second time in as many weeks this video has been posted at QL. I had given my frank opinion on this video earlier much to the dislike of tariq_doha when he described me as being narrow-minded. I have many questions on this video and I am compelled to ask them:
1) The video states the level of Air Purity in Qatar to be 25%. Is this on any day? Is this figure based reports from the meteorological department? Or it is a figure obtained on a day of sandstorm when visibility in Qatar is almost zero?
2) The video goes on to state that 65% of the Qatar population is dissatisfied with the garbage disposal. How did they arrive at this figure? Was a general survey ever carried out to find out the views of people?
3) The video states that as per a report in The Guardian, in Qatar one worker on average per day is dying. It fails to state the cause of the deaths leaving the viewer guessing that they are accidental deaths. In my last company two workers died within six months due to natural causes. Do such deaths also add to give the negative picture? With over a million workers in Qatar, one death a day even due to natural causes is always possible. Life and death is in the hands of God. If a person is destined to die in Qatar, nobody can stop it.
4) The video shows muddy water pouring out of a water cooler and a neat figure of 39% is shown as the level of purity of public drinking water. Which water the maker of this video uses to wash himself, his dishes and his dirty laundry in Qatar? Is it the same muddy water that has been shown in the video?
Lastly, the mother-of-all questions: Why this video was placed at YouTube?
There is a simple answer to that: It has been done to convey a negative image of Qatar to people across the world who have not been to Qatar and have witnessed its transformation. Mr tariq_doha may not like my queries and comments but I must state the facts as they are in reality and on the ground.
The same energy of the students who made this video could have been channelized in a proper way to show a positive image of country that is rapidly developing and the very good facilities it provides.
Love it nice work but I think things will work out well in some few coming hold on and stay tight.don't hate Qatar rather apreciate what it is doing.
Interesting ....
Mon , 03.03.2014 , 12.09 hrs ...
Yeah,,,,Beautifully picturized,,,,,,,it exposes the real hidden truth,,,,,,but who cares ??? is there any positive outcome,,,??? :)