Does it really help to personally submit the CV to the copmanies?

I am a supply chain professional, i have a residency visa on my husband's sponsorship and i have been looking for a job online for a while now with very low response rate, can anyone help? is there a job fair soon or anything? Will it help if i go by myself to submit the CV at the companies.
Thank you,
Job Searching is a Skill. You are not Jobless while you are looking for a Job. This Point of Time your Job is Looking for a Job. Start Searching the right way. Register in All knows Job Sites which is Free. Collect the emails of Hr Manager or Department Reputed Companies who is in your Business ( Supply Chain, Logistic even Big FMCG Companies. Also you can Resume to their Companies Even they have not Published any Vacancies. Good Luck
Och, Good luck ....
Tue, 25.02.2014 , 06.55 hrs ...
Thank you all for your answers
Definitely "YES",,,,,Like mohdata has adviced u above & also from my personal experience during job hunting,,,,many companies are not advertising on local newspapers or websites too,,,,,so, if there is any vacancy & u r suitable for that job, there is more probability for u 2 get hired,,,,Reference is the best other option too,,,,,,Best of luck & Cheers :)
if one is keen enough to find work, one will also be smart enough to not rely on any one route and will take a multi pronged approach; online, in-person, newspapers, word of mouth; do it all those ways and you exponentially increase your chances. In person should never be under-estimated, considering that many companies do not even advertise their vacancies. Letting them know you exist can only help. Best of luck.
No, it will not help if there exists no vacancy for the job you are looking for in that company. Your CV will go to the trash can after your submission.
It is very helpful if you know there is a suitable vacancy matching your qualification and same time you know someone in the company you are applying.
Good Luck!
It does not help really. In fact, hiring managers wanted CVs to be submitted online to save their time. The most important thing is your qualification and if indeed there is a vacancy.
Try advertising at Gulf Times because once they will contact you, surely there is a vacancy for your qualification.
Good Luck to your job search.