Finding it impossible to find a job here in Qatar
By dawudbryant •
I have been in and out of Qatar for over a year, I've had only a handful of interviews.
I'm currently in the final year of my degree in English Language and Literature and have been looking for work over here. I am a muslim convert, maybe my beard puts off employers.
All I find online is jobs in teaching and petroleum, and jobs in admin but only for people fluent in arabic. Does anyone know how I can find a job. I'll consider anything.
Dawud - Please contact me at [email protected]
Generally you need three or more years experience in your profession to be considered for a job in Qatar.
its not so easy bro
I don't think your beard has anything to do with it. Jobs are really not easy to get in Qatar and if you have been following QL, you will see postings such as yours regularly. My suggestion is that you apply through various job sites. There are several sites where jobs are categorized. Also, try applying at other Middle East countries. Best of luck.
It's better to give a hint your expected salary range as well. Here, its less 'investment' in terms of salary and maximum profit upon working output in private sectors'. Hope my message is clear. :)