Bank statement with 10Ktransfer is necessary or company letter is enough for RP?

Dear all
I am new to doha and i would like to bring my family first on visit visa and later to convert RP. I am eager to know whether am eligible for RP with following conditions.
1. My total package is QR 11K which includes the HRA and other allowances.
2. For six months i am on probation and my salary transfer on bank will be QR 7500 Only since i am using company accomodation and transport.
If i am applying for RP after six months with these bankstatements and company letter stating my total package (more than 10K) with all allowance whether i will get RP for my family.
Is bank statement with a transfer of 10K necessary for obtaining RP or company letter stating my total package(More than 10K) ,which they will consider for RP?
please share your valuable comments and suggestion
Could anyone please share the experience if you or your friends had the same situation like this before.. Please...
Dear Shap
Thanks for your comments.
So you mean I have chance, thank god!!!. if I make the company statement as you mentioned I have chance.But for the first six months I am on probation with salary less than 10K (9400 QR) and after that more than 10K.So any chance for question from the authority why my bank statement is only 7500...I am still confused,
please advise me how to prepare the documents
If your salary is above 10K you will be eligible for RP. But you have a problem since your salary transfer to the bank account for 7500/- only. Better if you could transfer the full salary to the bank. Otherwise even Qrs 7500/- will be enough, but your salary certificate has to mentioned that the company is providing you an accormadations.
Also make sure to take the salary certificate as a single digit insted of taking a salary break down. Ypu need to have six months statements as well.