Car Mechanic and the Customer

A car mechanic, after checking the car and seeing that car's one wire is loose, asks the customer to leave the car for his thorough investigation and fixing up of the problem.
In the evening when the customer returns he tells that he had to do a lot of checking and has now fixed up the problem after a lot of effort, and then invoices for 300 bucks.
Do you come across such car mechanics?
The above one just out of several examples.
The market is riddled with such type of mechanics, who tend to make smaller repairs look big in order to raise hefty bills.
So many gaps in this story
1)If you knew wire was loose why did not fix it or brought to the attention of the mechanic.
2) why keep the car in the garage when you already know the problem.
Never. A kind of greedy.
No! Who is he. Let's name and shame him on QL